1.     The Shire

    • Land of the Hobbits, in the north west of Middle Earth
    • Bounded on the west by the Far Downs, the east by the Brandywine River, the north by the moors and the south by marches
    • Largest town: Hobbiton. Most hobbits live in homes built under the earth called hobbit holes.
  1.     Rivendell

    • Home of Elrond the Elf.
    • Located in a valley in the Misty Mountains, it is also known as Imladris, or the Last Homely House east of the Sea.
    • The decision to send the Ring south to Mordor is taken at a Council held there.
  1.     Moria

    • Ancient city of the Dwarves under the Misty Mountains, once light and full of splendor, now dark and evil.
    • Also known as Durin's Halls or Khazad-dûm.
  1.     Lothlorien

    • Hidden forest realm of the Elves, ruled by Celeborn and Galadriel.
    • Once entered, time seems to pass differently than in the outside world.
    • The residents live in homes built in the trees.
  1.     Amon Hen

    • Site of the ruins of the Seat of Seeing, where the old High Kings of the West could view events over vast distances.
    • Here Frodo, wearing the Ring, is almost discovered by Sauron, who can sense when the Ring is being used.

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