<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Disco/8180/audio/gb.wav">
Thanx for the multimedias,guys! I've mailed you guys for permission to use but I didn't seem to get any reply oe response,so,I hope by building the CREDITS page for you guys here will make you feel happy cause I'm linking you and giving you guys credits. Below are the list of pages which I used some of their multimedias such as images,sounds,mp3s,winamp skin and more on my RGB page...
Also thanx to Linda(RGB Images webmistress)!!!
Thanx for some wavs sounds and images!!!
abrease@yahoo.com is the webmaster who created the page Slimer! And the Real Ghostbusters.

Thanx for the great RGB episodes images!!!
Angela Beaman a.k.a Venkman
beaman@mailhost.ultra.net.au is the webmater who created the page Venkman Blues Tribute a.k.a The Real Ghostbusters Tribute.

Thanx for the great RGB episodes images!!!
Adrian Adams/
adamadr@charlie.cns.iit.edu is the webmaster who created the page The Real Ghostbusters Unofficial Page.

Thanx for the animated images!!!
*Unknown* is the webmaster who created the page

Thanx for the mp3 link for thr RGB op theme,RGB deskop icons link and RGB winamp skin link.
Ghostheads@hotmail.com is the webmaster who created the page Ghostheads United.

Thanx for the The Real Ghostbusters animated
gif. I use it in the RGB Chatroom Page.

Thanks for the cool RGB pics. I use it in my RGB Karaoke n' Lyrics page and other various page.
Linda is the webmaster who created the RGB Images page.

Thanks for some hard-to-find RGB episodes images. Antonio Reyna III is the webmaster who created ScoobMoonBuster page.

Thanks for some RGB episodes images. If I'm not wrong,Chad is the webmaster who created Ghostbusters Central page.
And I would like to thank you all other RGB sites to make my page possible!!! I appreciated that,really...
Credit for the casts/people behind the Ghostbusters movie and Real Ghostbusters cartoon!!!

Executive Producer:
Bernie Brillstein

Written By:
Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis

Produced and Directed By:
Ivan Reitman
Music Composed By:                Production Designed By:       Visual Effects By:
  Elmer Bernstein                               John DeCur                        Richard                          Edlund
''Ghostbusters'' performed by:                Director of Photography:
          Ray Parker Jr.                                     Laszlo Kovass
The Real Ghostbusters:

The Animators:
If it's wouldn't for the Japanese animators,I don't think that the Real Ghostbusters cartoon will be very cool and catchy. Besides,the best animators came from Japan. And you all know that Anime is famous now,right?

The Writters:
If it's not for them,the story of the Real Ghostbuters cartoon wouldn't be as great as it was.

The Script Editors:
If it's wouldn't for them,I don't think that the Real Ghostbusters cartoon quotes and jokes will be that funny!

Creators of the Ghostbusters and Real Ghostbusters Music:
If it's not for them,the musics in the show and cartoon wouldn't be interesting and awesome.

Real Ghostbusters IMDB Database
Ghostbusters IMBD Movie Database
Ghostbusters Yahoo! Movie Database
Ghostbusters 2 IMBD Movie Database
Ghostbusters 2 Yahoo! Movie Database

Yahoo! All Time Box Office
(If you view carefully,Ghostbusters manage to reach top 24 in the all-time box office ranking!)
BTW:Wanted to thank Sheila Paulson(webmistress of The Real Ghostbusters Fan Site),Lith(webmistress of her RGB Screencap Archive),Linda(webmistress of RGB--- Images Site)a bunch for their great RGB images---especially Peter*blush*. Another thing is that I'll like to thank Peter_Venkman_Fan(Erin)and Venkman Gal(Nick)for making Pete's club active besides me*grin* and for being a loyal RGB fan(especially Petey)ever since 1999 if I'm not mistaken. Check out their club,I mean,our club here.^_^ Thanks,guys! Bye!

---Also would like to thank a million thanks to
Marie G.(webmistress of her kawaii EctoFlight's RGB site)for linking me,credit me(oh,I never seen anyone who really really appreciates me*blush*-arigatou^_^!)and for joining my "secret" club & webring^^. And for willing to become co-founder & moderator for my clubs/groups*smile*. I also adopted her so kawaii chibi RGB! I can't believe she linked my new fan art site*sona?-yatta^^!*. Wow! Terima kasih^_^'.

~And to all of you who who make my site possible and stuff...(I think I've mention this somewhere but 'oh,well')...arigatou minna...I thank you all...~

*hint hint*:If you are a true RGB fan like us and did something real great to 'em like creating a fun community & tribute sites(like me,when before I thought I'll never make it but if you really like RGB & never give-up,you'll make it,believe me^_~),I'll be giving you credits & maybe some other ppl will.