Welcome to

Mr. Franko's 2003-2004


Concept and design:
A. McQueen c.1996; revised 02/2004 KMF

I've established these pages to assist my students in various math and computer classes. A problem that this page is trying to address is the lack of time students have to experience mathematics in the classroom. Even though we have a block schedule, I believe that students should have access to individualized resources so that they can continue their explorations outside of the classroom. With many activities both inside and outside of school, this page offers yet another way to communicate with students.

Interested students can come to this page for a variety of information including course syllabi, course objectives, homework assignments, hints to problems, solutions to problems, links to related topics, and other topics available from the information highway.


Individual Course Pages

Algebra I


Algebra 1 Plus



General Course Information and Classroom Policies

General Introduction

Class Rules and Expectations







Last Updated on 02-17-2004


If you have questions about this page or you need help on a few problems write to me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.