Republic: Sacrifice - John Ostrander (script) & Jan Duursema (pencils)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

The Story:

Quinlan Vos has been working undercover for two years prior to the Battle of Geonosis. So the Jedi send Aayla Secura off to check on him. But when they uncover the Separatists plans, things become dangerous.


Wow! Jan Duursema's work in this was amazing! The elimination of the inking process on this issue provided for a very cool look. The colors looked great, and so did Jan's pencils. Did I mention that's Jan's art was awesome?

John Ostrander provides a great stort, a perfect setup for the coming Clone Wars stories. My only real complaint would be that the Wheel was really not needed in the story. When I first heard about this comic, I was really excited that we'd be seeing the Wheel again; but aside from one picture and one or two mentions, it had nothing to do with the story.

It looks like the Clone Wars are gonna be fun, and this is the perfect prologue to the upcoming stories in Republic!

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