Jedi Council: Acts of War - Randy Stradley (writing), Davide Fabbri (pencils), Christian Dalla Vecchia (inks)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

The Story:

Two Jedi are sent to a planet in the Yinchorr system to learn more about the Yinchorri species, but only their dead bodies return to Coruscant. So Mace Windu takes a team of Jedi to the Yinchorr system to find out what the Yinchorri are up to. It's a risky mission, but Yoda senses that there is some other force (pardon the pun) behind the Yinchorri.


Maybe it's just 'cause I'm such a big Jedi Council nut, but I loved this! There's nothing cooler than seeing the entire council in action! The frame with all those Jedi standing with thier lightsabers lit against the Yinchorri was downright awesome. I always appreciate it when authors (and artists) recycle species, and in this we get to see Jedi of many different species, such as Aleena, Twi'lek, Zabrak, Whiphid, etc. Very cool.

My only possible complaint would be that the characters often refered to others using full names. At first, I see why it is necessary to introduce the characters, but after a while, it feels a little odd. Still, this is a great comic. I highly recommend it.

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