/ PEZman4's Star Wars Site - Books - Star Wars: Tatooine Ghost

Tatooine Ghost - Troy Denning

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

The Story:

Han & Leia set out for an auction on Tatooine to bid on an Alderaanian painting. This painting is more than just a work of art for the New Republic; lives depend upon it. Therefore, it cannot be allowed to fall into Imperial hands. But as Leia explores Tatooine, she learns more and more about her father: Anakin Skywalker. Leia still doesn't want to have children, for she fears they might suffer the same fate as Anakin. But words from Leia's grandmother may change her feelings...


It's nice to see a character-driven book. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty of action, but I think Leia's inner stuggle with her father was the main thing here. Han may have been a little on the soft side, but otherwise the characters were great. I really liked how Chewbacca was given more character and that his relationship with Leia was fleshed out.

This book really ties in well with The Truce at Bakura and The Courtship of Princess Leia, as well as Dark Empire and Heir to the Empire. I was pleasantly surprised with how much prequel stuff there was in this, particularly with Shmi and Cliegg. Seeing Kitster was great, too. It's made me want more stories about what happened to him between The Phantom Menace and this.

The book really ties in with the continuity of previous stories. Instead of just making up new species (like some authors), Denning used established (though sometimes obscure) ones. Also, the "Sidi Driss" was a neat reference, and a nice parallel to "Tatouine", if you catch my meaning.

My only gripe would be the the very end was a little rushed. I think it could've used an epilogue to finish things up.

Denning really knows how to write Han & Leia. I hope he writes more Star Wars stories very soon! This is a great book!

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