Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter - Michael Reaves

Rating: 5 out of 5

The Story:

Taking place only weeks before the events of The Phantom Menace, this story focuses on Palpatine's plans with the Trade Federation to blockade Naboo. When Palpatine (Sidious) meets with the Neimoidians, he discovers that the fouth one of them is missing. He sends his apprentice, Darth Maul, to find this missing Niemoidian. Maul is lead to Courscant.

In the mean time, Lorn Pavan and his "business associate" I-Five (a protocol droid) meet up with a young Jedi Apprentice named Darsha Assant. To avoid Maul, the three of them try to get back to the Jedi Temple....


Wow, this was a great book. Non-stop action, great characters, and an ending that .... well .... you'll see. Even though you knew how it would end, it was still very good. I think it's the best Star Wars novel yet. I liked that the book was only half about Maul. It was also cool see what happened with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon just minutes before The Phantom Menace. The only things I didn't like was that it was a bit gruesome at times, and the potty word on page 200 (How wude!).

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