Jedi Apprentice #5: The Defenders of the Dead - Jude Watson

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

The Story:

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are dispatched to the planet Melida/Daan to save the captured Jedi Knight Tahl. The two populations of the planet, the Melida and the Daan, have been fighting each other for generations over a dispute long forgotten. A group of children, called "the Young", wish to end the fighting. The Jedi are only to save Tahl and not to take sides in the dispute. But Obi-Wan makes befriends the "Young"-lings and is faced with a decision: obey his master or help his friends.


Unfortunately, I already know about a major plot point of the end of the series, so it puts a damper on this book, if you know what I mean. Still, it was pretty good. Obi-Wan's friends sure were persuasive, but I suppose one does have to write things more obviously for younger readers.

At first, the thought of two peoples fighting each other simply to avenge the last battle and hoping to eliminate the enemy instead of have peace seems rather dumb. But, when you think about it, it's very real. It's been happening in the real world forever, especially today. But, that's another subject.

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