Eleanor: August 2006.

Eleanor pre-hairdresser for Uncle and Licia's wedding.

Eleanor and Alistair.

Eleanor at the hairdresser with Daddy.

Eleanor with Lissa.

Eleanor with bridesmaids Katrina and Melissa.

Eleanor in the bridal party and her family and very overtired.

Eleanor playing with her flowers.

Eleanor posing for the camera.

Eleanor dancing with Mr Walter...

...for a very long time.

Eleanor dancing with Daddy...

...also for a very long time.

Eleanor up close.

Eleanor helping Aunty Licia open her wedding gifts.

Eleanor with second cousin Waveney, as a martian and in a dress made by Aunty Nat.

Eleanor in Alistar's hat.

Eleanor in her new hat.

Eleanor with lovely ringlet bunches and brother Alistair.

Eleanor with her baby brother.

Eleanor with her brother again and organising magnets.

Eleanor organising cars.

Eleanor in mummy and daddy's old wardrobe.

Eleanor learning to drive?

Eleanor in a lovely dress.

Eleanor playing outside.

Eleanor the lion.

You can email Liz and Pete at: peterandlizwood@optusnet.com.au

Click here to see Eleanor - September 2006.

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