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Introduction to the quest What you will have to do! The steps to complete the tasks! List of web sites to help you to complete the tasks! How you will be graded! Something to think about when you're completed!
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Welcome to Solar Quest!  Start your quest by clicking on the Introduction button above - good luck!



Introduction to the Quest Intro The Earth

The year is 3070.  You live in the colony of Mentoria on planet Earth.  Space travel is now a weekly event, however spending time in the outdoors is a thing of the past. 

Due to the dangerous level of the greenhouse gases that are in the air, people can only spend limited time outside without the assistance of protective suits…

The engineering squad have recently come up with a form of time travel, enabling officers of the colony to travel both backwards and forwards in time…

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What you will have to do! IntroTask Time travel

The badge of the E2P

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Your mission as the third squad of the Elite Enviro Platoon (E2P) is to travel back in time to the year 2010 and put in place procedures to lessen the future effect of the greenhouse gases.  

Using an early version of the Internet, you will view the world of the Primitives (as we name Earth people living in the early 2nd Millenium). 

Dr Jacques, Mentoria’s historian, has mentioned a renewable energy source which received some attention in the early years of the 2000’s – solar energy.

Upon your return to present day, you must provide your superior officers with a brochure detailing your findings on solar energy, and be prepared to make an oral presentation to the other members of the Platoon, on these findings.

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The steps to complete the tasks! PProcess Step by step...

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Each squad within the Platoon is made up of three members.  Each member has a different role and task which must be completed individually.  The roles are:

Solar Analyst The "hot" one!

This person is responsible for research into how solar energy works. The following questions should be addressed within your research:


Economic Analyst The rich one!

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The Primitives are still mainly using an old form of energy – based on decayed and fossilised plant material (coal and oil) in order to produce their electricity. They will want to know how much money a new form of electricity is going to cost them.

Your role is to research the costs of setting up a solar energy system, and then the costs of maintaining the new system.

You will also need to do some research into how solar energy can save money on their monthly electricity bills. Make sure you provide answers to the following questions:

Find out what other places such as businesses can do to reduce their electricity bills, through solar energy.


Solar Engineer The smart one!

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This person is responsible for the design of a solar energy device that can be used around the primitives' place of dwelling, to assist them until their technology can do things for them.

You will need to work closely with the solar analyst to work out what the primitives could need, and what technology you will need to include in your design.

Using a computer drawing program, draw up your final design and submit it with the group brochure. You will also need to be prepared to report on what your device does, and how it can work.


Group Task - The Brochure

The final task - the brochure

Once you have completed your individual missions, your squad will need to detail its research findings in a brochure, to be presented to your superior officers and the remainder of the platoon.

You need to ensure that each person's specific task is detailed within the brochure, and that each member of your squad is able to provide an oral presentation on their part in your mission.

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List of web sites to help you to complete the tasks! Resources Access to the Internet

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Solar Analyst resources:

Encyclopedia Britannica article

Why Solar Energy?

All about the Sun and Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Energy Quest

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Economic Analyst resources:

Renewable energy sources

Solar power

How to cut energy costs!

Sustainable Earth - renewable energy

Going Solar - use Menu items on the left

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Solar Engineer resources:

How a Solar Car works!

Practical ideas for self-reliant living

Solar cooking!

Renewable energy

Solar Energy Science Projects  (requires Acrobat Reader)

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General Resources:

Solar Energy and other interesting links

Solar Energy Coloring Book    (requires Acrobat Reader)




How you will be graded! Eval Hopefully, your scores will be higher than these!

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Each individual will be evaluated by the following criteria:

1. Participation/Use of class time 10 points
Completion of:  
2. Solar Analyst Task 10 points
3.  Economic Analyst Task 10 points
4.  Solar Engineer Task 10 points

Your squad will have the brochure evaluated by the following criteria:

Writing (spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphs, etc.) 10 points
Presentation (typed, double spaced, 1 inch margins, etc ) 10 points
Information (factual, examples cited) 20 points
Visual Aids (easy to read, relevant information) 10 points
Resources (bibliography of all sources used, variety ) 10 points

Total Project Points

100 Points

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Something to think about when you're completed! Conclusion Thinking about your future?

Think about some of the ways in which you could save energy in your own home. Imagine the future world in which the Enviro Platoon must exist – a world where you can’t go outside because the air is too dangerous.

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