Now located at The Dental SPA, Beach Road    P.O. Box 74068, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Mobile: 050 565 7679     Telephone: 04 395 2005     Email:



1.    Do you do home visits?

2.    What is aromatherapy?

3.    What is reflexology?

4.    What is reiki?

5.    How does skin peeling leave your skin?

6.    Does sugaring hurt?

7.    What is AHA?

8.   Are there side effects from peeling facials?


 9.   How does the Perfector Machine work?

10.  How often should one have a facial?

11.  How long does the St. Tropez tan last?

12.  What is the Purikiss Facial?

13.  What is Kinesiology?

14.  What is crystal healing?

15.  What is pranic healing?




1. Yes, all my beauty services are offered in the comfort of your own home.


2.  Aromatherapy is a full body massage using lymphatic draining and pressure point massage.  We mix oils to suit your mood - either to uplift, relax or balance the body.  Very therapeutic. For further information on aromatherapy, check out this website.


3.  Reflexology is another alternative therapy using massage on the pressure points of the feet (or hands).  It is extremely relaxing and rejuvenating, and helps to re-balance the body.  The ancient healing art of reflexology has been known to man for many thousands of years. It was first practiced by the early Indian, Chinese and Egyptian peoples who observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot mirrors congestion or tension in a corresponding part of the body. Your feet are a map of your body and each point relates to a different part of the body, covering your digestive, respiratory, endocrine systems and so on.  It gives tremendous relief to insomniacs, migraine sufferers, convalescence, etc - everyone can be treated.  For further information, look here.


4.  Reiki is a Japanese word meaning "Universal Life-Force-Energy". The "Ki" part is the same word as Chi or Qi, the Chinese word for the 'energy' which underlies everything.  Reiki is a system for channeling that energy to someone for the purpose of healing.  I hold my hands over the 'chakras' of the body to heal and enlighten the soul.  It is very relaxing and emotionally rewarding - you will feel the warmth from my hands.  To find out more, click here.


5.  This is advanced skin technology.  However, during treatment, your skin will become a little red but it quickly returns to normal.  These are very effective peeling systems that give you optimum results but with the least possible aggravation to the face.  Backed by the FDA and recognized by the National Geographic as the world's leading skincare systems.


6.  Not as much as waxing!  Sugar paste is a purely natural product that is warmed when applied so it is much less aggressive than waxing and much gentler on the skin.  Because of this, you get a clearer, cleaner treatment as I can go over the skin more than once.


7.  AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) is a derivative of natural acids from fruit, sugar or milk.  They work on the skin to gently exfoliate the epidermis (the top layer of skin).  It also works on the deeper layers to strengthen and rejuvenate, thus producing clearer, younger, firmer skin.


8.  The only side effect that sometimes occurs is superficial peeling of the skin which is usually not very noticeable.  The skin may become a little dry through the course of treatment and sometimes spots may occur as the healing process begins.  This is short-lived, usually only a few weeks, after which your beautiful new youthful appearance shines through.


9.  The Perfector is a machine which works on positive and negative current to tone and firm the muscles in the face, in much the same way exercise tones and firms the body.  This advanced technology tightens the skin, reduces puffiness around the eyes and improves the contours of the face.  This is a total anti-aging treatment, otherwise known as "the facelift without surgery".


10.  In normal conditions, once a month is recommended but in this climate, once a week would be fantastic (but not very realistic for you!).  Once to twice a month is ideal and after having a course of treatment, you should then keep up a maintenance programme of once per month.  Your skin is a living organ which is constantly shedding dead skin cells.  The skin must be continually maintained to help it stay in peak condition.


11.  That depends on a number of things.  How tanned are you to begin with?  If you have a good base tan, it will last up to two weeks.  Swimming, sweating and exfoliation will obviously remove it quicker.  It fades naturally and tans you according to your natural colour so it never looks "fake".  St. Tropez is made from vegetable dye and aloe vera so it actually leaves the skin very soft and well conditioned.


12.  This is a deep cleansing facial using the Perfector machine, the electrical current producing a far deeper and longer-lasting effect.  Rollers are worked over the skin to gently lift out impurities, leaving the skin much clearer and brighter.  It's good for all skin types as there is a programme to suit dry, oily and normal or sensitive skin types. 


13.  Kinesiology is derived from the Greek words (kinesi - ology) meaning the study or knowledge of motion. In the natural health field, Kinesiology is seen as the art, science, & the philosophy of muscle testing and used in a different way. Here, it is a system of health care where muscles become monitors of stress and imbalance within the body where 'Muscle Testing', the key technique in Kinesiology, in combination with gentle, safe, tactile therapeutic techniques, are used as an effective and versatile tool for detecting and correcting various imbalances in the body which may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, injuries and so on.   To find out more, click here.


14.  Katrina conducts her treatments with the use of crystal healing energies.  Crystals have tremendous healing energy to help all people on every level in a very gentle, non-intrusive way. The individual has the choice whether or not to have crystals used in their treatment. They are generally used by laying them on and around the body.

The creation of crystals is through repeated addition of new matter to a growing crystalline mass - some evolve within cooling volcanic lava streams that reach the earth's surface (quartz), some grow from vapours in volcanic vents (sulphur), some form from water solutions (calcite), and finally some are formed under great pressures and high temperatures deep inside the earth (eg.garnet and diamond). Contemporary culture is presently rediscovering the power of crystals, reawakening to the therapeutic use of crystals, stones and gems in a variety of healing modalities.


15. Pranic healing is a comprehensive system of natural healing techniques. Through the use of life-force energy known as Prana, Pranic Healing initiates specific biochemical changes which accelerate the body's innate ability to prevent, alleviate and heal a whole spectrum of physical, emotional and mental illness such as migraine, sterility, hypertension, asthma, depression, epilepsy and much more. To find out more, click here.