Notes on Kiln Firing.

        Notes on Kiln Firing.
by Peter Stephens. 2006.
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    Notes on Kiln Firing is a practical guide to the elements and factors involved in firing a kiln for the first time. Some of the FAQs of students during the year of a pottery class.    Page Index
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Page Index

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  1. When can I fire my pots?
  2. What temperature do I fire to?
  3. What is a bisque?
  4. What is a Glost or Glaze firing?
  5. Do I need to bisque?
  6. What glaze can I use?
  7. What cone do I need?
  8. What kiln can I use?
  9. On an electric kiln what temperature controller settings do I use?
  10. In an electric kiln when do I plug the holes?
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  1. What is the rate of rise?
  2. What are the critical points in the development of the ceramic body?
  3. What is reduction?
  4. Why is it so difficult to light the gas burners?
  5. Why is it important to be oxidising, not reducing under 1000°C?
  6. When is a firing complete?
  7. What is a soak?
  8. Why did my pot crack?
  9. Why did a piece fall off?

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Diagram Index

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  1. Using a kiln sitter
  2. The parts of a kiln and a gas burner.
  3. Adjusting the rate of temperature rise.
  4. Critical points in firing.
  5. Which kiln firing?
  6. Firing chart (template)
Feel free to e-mail me:
E-Mail: peter_stephens@yahoo.com

Written, drawn, designed, and produced 2006 - Peter Stephens
Free for distribution.