Second Hand

(P. Tosh)

A.k.a. Brand New Second Hand.

Peter Tosh & The Wailers, 1971

Original.version. Lead vocal by Peter Tosh. Jamaican single on the Justice League label. Produced by Lee Perry. Time: 3:57.

The Wailers, 1971

False start. Lead vocal by Peter Tosh. Produced by Lee Perry. Time: 0.26.

The Wailers, 1971

Alternative version called Brand New Second Hand. Lead vocal by Peter Tosh. Produced by Lee Perry. Time: 3:58.

The Wailers, 1971

Instrumental version. Produced by Lee Perry. Time: 3:06.

Peter Tosh, 1975

The following musicians contributes to the Legalize It album: Carlton Barrett - drums, Santa - drums, Aston Barrett - bass, Robbie Shakespeare - bass and harps, Tyrone Downey - keyboards, Peter Tosh - vocal, background vocal, keyboards and reggae guitar, Rita Marley - background vocal, Judy Mowatt - background vocal, Bunny Wailer - background vocal, Al Anderson - lead guitar, Ras Lee - harps. Recorded at Treasure Isle and Randy's, Kingston, Jamaica, 1975. Produced by Peter Tosh.

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Last updated: 2004-05-21