"All About Jesus"
Participant List


Taylor P.
3 year old girl. Favorite Food: Grilled Cheese
Hobbies: Swimming, playing with big sister and making crafts. Not quite ready for pen-pals yet!


Ashley P.
9 year old girl. Favorite Food: Pizza
Hobbies: Swimming, softball, reading, playing with friends and little sister. Would love to be pen-pals with other kidz. Ashley really LOVES Beanies!


Kailey D.
6 year old girl. Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets
Hobbies: Gymnastics, Gymnastics, Gymnastics!
Kailey would LOVE a pen pal!


Heather R.
11 year old girl. Favorite Food: Pasta
Hobbies: Rollerblading, and reading.
Heather enjoys pen pals very much!


Michael W.
5 year old boy. Favorite Food: Hot dogs
Hobbies: Playing baseball!
Michael isn't ready for a pen-pal yet.


Will N.
8 year old boy. Favorite Food: Pizza
Hobbies: Swimming, Tennis & All Sports!
Will promises to be a GREAT pen-pal!


Robyn L.
4 year old girl. Favorite Food: Macaroni
Hobbies: Loves to play with Barbies
Robyn isn't ready for a pen-pal yet.


Chelsea K.
7 year old girl. Favorite Food: Cheeseburger
Hobbies: Rollerblading & Gymnastics
Chelsea thinks pen-pals are very cool!


Bryan M.
8 year old boy. Favorite Food: Pizza
Hobbies: Boy Scouts & Football
Bryan might like to be a pen-pal later in the school year.


Zach R.
6 year old boy. Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Hobbies: Riding bikes, playing with friens.
Zach is tooooo busy to be a pen-pal right now.


Allison G.
8 year old girl. Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers
Hobbies: Dance and reading.
Allison promises to be a very faithful pen-pal.


Caleb R.
7 year old boy. Favorite Food: Pizza
Hobbies: basketball, football, and baseball.
Caleb would love to be your pen-pal.


Jordan B.
5 year old girl. Favorite Food: Peanut Butter Sandwich
Hobbies: Dance, Gymnastics & Piano
Jordan isn't ready to be a pen-pal yet.


Jacob H.
4 year old boy. Favorite Food: Spaghettios
Hobbies: Playing with toy cars and finger painting.
Jacob isn't ready to be a pen-pal yet.


Danielle W.
10 year old girl. Favorite Food: Tacos
Hobbies: Cross Stitching and reading.
Danielle would love to be your pen pal!


Whitney S.
11 year old girl. Favorite Food: Chinese Food
Hobbies: Cheerleading, swimming & tennis
Whitney promises to be a GREAT pen-pal.


Kevin M.
11 year old boy. Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Hobbies: skateboarding
Kevin thinks pen-pals are very cool.


Ray D.
9 year old boy. Favorite Food: Buffalo Wings
Hobbies: Camping
Ray isn't ready to be a pen-pal yet.


Kyle H.
Kyle is age 8.  He is home schooled, and loves soccer.  He loves Jesus and his family.  He has one sister and two brothers.  He wants to have a pen pal to be friends with


Ryan H.
Ryan is age 7.  He is home schooled and also loves soccer.  He loves Jesus and being part of a big family.  He has visited lots of places being part of a military family. He also wants to be a pen pal friend.


Kathleen is 8 years old and her favorite foods are pizza and noodles. She also enjoys horseback riding and collecting beanie babies. Kathleen would love to be your pen-pal!


Frank P.
Frank is 10 years old and he loves spaghetti. In his spare time, Frank enjoys hockey and baseball. Frank is ready for a pen-pal!


Sara B.
Sara is 11 yrs old and in the 6th grade. She likes HORSES, reading C.S. Lewis books, drawing(horses, of course), playing on the computer, watching TV, playing clarinet in band at school, playing Chimes at church, singing, shopping, clothes, tennis and volleyball, participating in school projects. She likes to bake and always fixes cake to take to church dinners.  She used to be in twirling & gymnastics, but now just does them for fun.  She has 1 cat, a brother who is 6 and a sister who is 15.  She looks forward to having a pen pal.


Dan is 7 years old and he loves pizza! He plays street hockey, and likes to play basket ball in the yard. He also is home schooled, and he likes that better. Dan is very interested in being pen-pals.


Tacee W.
Tacee is 12 years old her favorite food is enchiladas! Her hobbies are: reading, swimming, sewing, cooking, sufing the net, and helping her mom. Tacee would love a pen-pal!


Ashley S.
Ashley is 8 years old and she loves pizza. She likes to go to church & play on the computer & be in a drama called Journey to Bethlehem. Ashley would love to be your pen-pal.


Seth D.
Seth is 4 years old and he loves macaroni and cheese. He loves to ride his bike at the walk park and pretend that he's a sharptooth. He likes to paint and color with markers too. He has just learned his first 20 books of the Bible!! And he loves homeschool. Seth would like to be your pen pal.


Amber is age 10 and her favorite food is salad. She likes cheering.  She plays basketball.  Love to swim, love animals, play the clarinet and is in chorus, and she is a guard at school.  She get a's and b's , she does good in school.  She is an only child. She has a stepsister named kelly.  She is in Girl scouts.  She would like to learn about Jesus and she is ready to be a pen pal.


Joshua S.
Joshua is 9 years old and his favorite foods are McDonald french fries and Nutter Butter Bites cookies. He likes to play with his sister Amy with legos. Joshua would love to be your pen pal.


Amy S.
Amy is 7 years old and her favorite food is macaroni and cheese. She likes to sing and draw pictures and is ready to be your pen pal.


Linsey D.
Linsey is 8 years old. She loves hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. She likes to play with her pets, she has six dogs and 3 cats, a fish, and a bird named sam. She likes to dress up the littlest dog named Cub. She is homeschooled and has a older brother named Seth, that is also homeschooled. She also likes to go camping, and she lives out in the country. Linsey would love to be a pen pal.


Brent is 3 years old and love broccoli with cheese. Brent enjoys soccer, riding my bike, playing with my cars, singing. and swimming! Brent is ready for a pen pal.


Muriel is 3 years old and loves tacos. Muriel likes to play on the computer and sing and would love a pen pal.


Sarah is 8 and loves peanut butter ice cream. Sarah enjoys reading, dance ballet, and sports. She is ready to be a pen pal.


Krista is 6 years old and her favorite food is cookie dough ice cream. Krista likes to play soccer, read, and play with friends. She would love to be your pen pal.


Victoria L.
Victoria is 8 years old and she likes Cake,macaroni and cheese, candy, pizza, and, spaghetti. She enjoys writing and singing in her spare time and she would like a pen pal.

At this time we have over 130 participants who have not filled out their "Biographies." Now's a great time to introduce yourself to your fellow Bible study participants. All pen-pal correspondence will be handled personally by ME through a form. No e-mails will be exchanged to protect the safety and privacy of all our participants.

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