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to Everyone!


This is my little page about Heaven! I sometimes wonder about Heaven and angels. My mommie says that angels are real and so is Heaven! She says that everyone who believes in Jesus and ask him to save them will go to Heaven someday! The Bible tells me all about Heaven and all about Jesus too! Did you know that Jesus loves you very much and he wants you to live in Heaven someday too!


God makes it easy to go to Heaven. A lot of people think that you get to go to Heaven because you are really good and you go to church. Going to church is a good thing and so is being a good boy or girl, but that is not how you get to Heaven.

To go to Heaven someday, all you have to do is SAY to Jesus that you are a sinner. The Bible tells us that everyone is a sinner. BELIEVE that Jesus died on the cross for you! Did you know that if you were the only little boy or girl alive that Jesus still would have died for just YOU!! He loves you very much! Then you just have to tell God that you are SORRY for all the bad things you have done and promise to try not to do them anymore. You don't have to be perfect, but you need to try to follow God's word which is found in his Bible!!!


If you do these things, then you are SAVED! You and everyone else who believes in Jesus now will someday spend forever with Jesus in Heaven! Tell someone the good news.


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