The Cornershag


“Los neoliberales que proclaman la inexistencia de las clases sociales y por lo tanto de la lucha de clases, espuman de rabia cuando alguien no cree en su discurso.  Yo no espumo de rabia cuando escucho o leo discursos que niegan la existencia de las clases sociales y de sus conflictos.  Es que descanso en la verdad histórica, mucho mayor que el discurso frágil que pretende negarla.”

·        Paulo Freire – Tomado de “Cartas a Cristina”






Carmelo, a freelance journalist, specializes in enviromental subjects, which he brilliantly writes with his extensive knowledge of the subject and a level of engagement that only a person that cares deeply for the welfare of our planet has.



Puerto Rico

The spectacular achievements of propaganda

The perverse effects of unregulated capitalism

The environment




Comments? Insults? Misguided Adulation?  E-mail Carmelo

This is only a small sample of writings. Carmelo has two online projects where he comments on the environment, biotechnology and other relevant subjects; please visit Carmelo’s blog and his bio-security project, as well as his Yahoo Group.

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Ambientalismo Elitista

Alianza global contra el neoliberalismo

Posmodernidad y posdesarrollo