Volume 3, Number 1 Spring 2002

Welcome to the third issue of Foundations, and the first issue to be published online. The first issue of Foundations was published in the spring of 1997, followed by a second issue in the spring of 1998, but had since lapsed due to lack of funding. This year the University of Pennsylvania Philosophy Undergraduate Advisory Board decided to publish Foundations again, this time online.

The Philosophy UAB has received excellent submissions for this year's Foundations that explore many different topics in philosophy. We hope these selected papers serve to encourage interest in philosophy as well as show a sampling of the subject areas that are being explored by students in the University of Pennsylvania Philosophy Department.


Table of Contents:
The Origin of the Concept of God Geoff Anders
DysFunctionalism Michael Hartman
On the Ethics of Citing Nazi Research Talia
Kant's Indirect Proof of Trascendental Idealism Paul Padovano

Published by the University of Pennsylvania Philosophy Undergraduate Advisory Board. All material within © 2002 by the respective authors. The opinions expressed within are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the administration, faculty, or students of the University of Pennsylvania.