Pee on PETA
Official Site of Meat Loving People!

The purpose of this site is to dispel the myth that PETA is a warm and cuddly Animal Rights group.
In fact- PETA should stand for People for "unEthical" Terrorist Acts.

They have invaded our homes with malicious acts of Scare Tactics.

They have taken our children aside only to tell them their Mommies are murderers.

They have even used God and Jesus in their most unholy acts.

They have mispoken, acting as Doctors with no medical training. Telling you and I how eating any meat will kill you, make you impotent as well as make you fat.

They value a rats butt more than they value their "fellow" humans.

Where will it end?

So this website in general is for all the Beef, Chicken, Fish Farmers or just for anyone who is tired of being told to put the pork down and pick up a pickle.  If you have a PETA horror story you would like to share- send it to us and we will gladly post it for the world to see.

Pee on PETA Supports you guys!

We are definately People Eating Tasty Animals here!

Is PETA really THAT bad? Click to see.

What can I do to stop (or just really annoy) PETA?

Pet Lovers Beware!

PETA and Kids.

Not Doctors! PCRM


Any Pro- PETA hatemail will be posted on this website for ALL to see.                                                This is your first and final warning.                           
                                                 (C) Pee on PETA (C)