Welcome to TGIF's new game.  TGIF BOT Will be down every Wednesday for Five star music league game.  From 19th October GMT 9:00pm Click Voice Chat Link in menu to play our music league.
tgiftriviaforadults· Trivia Bot Chat -

To start a new game, you will need to stop the current game first. My apologies if the BOT is not here, I will put him here on user demand.

!strivia - stops trivia | !trivia - starts trivia |!trivia team - plays a team game, girls vs boys 80 questions per game

  Theme games of twenty questions each !trivia Sex | !trivia Animal |!trivia Entertainment |!trivia Literature |!trivia Geography | !trivia History | !trivia SciTech | !trivia Hobbies | !trivia Music | !trivia Sports |!trivia Wordplay |

This application requires Java suport.
This server also available via IRC at:



!repeat  -repeats question

!hint - gives a hint

!stat - gives your score

!hof - lists hall of fame

!join 1 to join Girls team

 !join 2 to join boys team.



Results updated every ten points Divisions (minimum points):

TGIF Newbie = 0

TGIF Casual = 150

TGIF Frequenter = 500

TGIF Smartypants = 1000

TGIF Brainiac = 2000

TGIF Einstein = 5000

TGIF Immortal = 10000

TGIF Champ = first one to 20000 points