Welcome to Happy Acres
This page is about my new life and new house in beautiful Oregon, outside of Portland.  It is a work in progress (my life, my house AND this web page!) so please bear with me.
Click here to see my photos
Is the bouncing squirrel bothering you?  Drop me a line and let me know!
BEWARE: the following links (along with everything else) are under HEAVY construction; read: a total mess.
Animal Rights Online
Another friend of Ishmael
Why Vegan?
About me...
More to come....
Don't blame me, I voted for Nader...
What did you have for dinner tonight?
You saw the movie on VH1.
Now go to the official website. 
Def Leppard Rules, OK?
My Friends on the Web
Krysteria.  She rules too, OK?
My best friend, my sister (her support group for hemihypertrophy)
Ah, isn't he beautiful?  Meatie, my rescue Mutt.