Technology and Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences: Over the past few years, we have all at least heard of the theory of multiple intelligences. But what is it, and more importantly, what does it mean to me and my students? The biggest issue with multiple intelligences is how we often confuse it with learning style. A learning style is how students learn best. An intelligence is developable and is useful in all kinds of thinking. A student might prefer a specific learning style, but each intelligence should be developed in students. (Resource)

Linguistic: Ideas expressed and learned in words.

Blogging Across the Curriculum
Now let's explore some great linguistic lesson plans!
Now let's explore some great linguistic Web resources!
Now let's explore some great linguistic student resources!

Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' linguistic intelligence. Share.


Logical/Mathematical: How things go together.

Number Games
Discovery School
Try these interactive math tools!
Explore these math lesson plans!
How about these math resources!

Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' logical/mathematical intelligence. Share.


Musical: Rhythms

American Rhetoric
Try these multimedia resources
Explore these arts lessons
How about these resources


Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' musical intelligence. Share.


Bodily/Kinesthetic: How ideas are connected to the physical world.

Humanities Lab
Virtual Field Trip
Try these geography activities
Explore these geography lessons
How about these geography resources

Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' bodily/kinesthetic intelligence. Share.


Spatial: How ideas represented in multi-demensions.

Try these science tools
Explore these maps
Go back and look at some of the previous links.

Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' spatial intelligence. Share.


Interpersonal: How we learn ideas from our interaction with others.

Class Blogging

Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' interpersonal intelligence. Share.


Intrapersonal: How we understand how we fit into an idea.

Go back and check some of the earlier resources.

Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' intrapersonal intelligence. Share.


Naturalistic: Understanding the order of things.

Oceans Unit Resources
Check out some more Xpeditions

Think of an activity that you think will develop your students' naturalistic intelligence. Share.

A word about space and time: With video confernces and podcasting, you have to begin to think about how these resources impact the identified intelligences.
Explore the source for many of these pages: Marco Polo. Share