Sunset at Red Bay, Ontario

Quiet Moments


I love the quiet moments

On a sultry, summer day.

We sit together watching

How the lofty branches sway.


The sun is slowly setting,

And the frogs their croaks they've found.

The noise of the cicadas

Sounds like songs sung in the round.


Our children's happy laughter

Can be heard around the bend,

Hurrying to finish games

Before the day must end.


I savor quiet moments

That I love to spend with you

Because, it seems, in the rush of things,

They are so very few.


I love the quiet moments

On a sultry, summer day.

Please let there be more quiet

Time together, Lord I pray.


Written by Carolyn J. Tinkle


Thanks Annie for this beautiful award and great honour for the month of May!!Visit Annies site!!It is awesome!!
< May 10th 2001