`Tis Christmas


                A bit of hope, a bit of love,

               A tiny part of cheer,

                 A smile, a thought, an outstretched hand,

                  A dream, all soft and dear,

                   Some faith and warmth and happiness,

                 And then a touch of prayer,

                  A bit of music, laughter too,

                  Of each a goodly share;


                  A window bright, a glowing fire,

                 Some holly and some pine,

                  A heart that holds a tenderness,

                 A peace on earth sublime,

                   Tranquility and thoughtfulness,

                   A soul to seek a star,

                    A bit of each, and then we find

`                    Tis Christmas--near and far.


                     by Garnett Ann Schultz



                    Wishing you all the best this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year!




                                                   Thank you Jamie,I love it!!



                            Thank you Bill for sending these awards!!

