Sir Rhino's Idea

Part Two

Sir Rhino's idea. . . What do we look like? (Jasmine) (03-May-2000 )

When I asked for help naming my characters, Sir Rhino told us about a thread that appeared on another board when someone wanted to change their Nick.

Sooooooo. . . Based on our Nicknames, what do you think we look like?

This sounds like soooooooooo much fun!


One of my favorite quotes (excuse the Middle English) (AVorlon) (04-May-2000)

Oh wad some power the giftie gie us
To see oursel's as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
And foolish notion.

Robert Burns,
To a Louse.

Nothing personal intended, I just like that quote. ;-)


Excellent! ;) (n/t) (Shal) (04-May-2000)

Perfect. (n/t) (trurl) (04-May-2000)

I know I am going to Hell and I am going to regret this... (Shal) (04-May-2000)

K....First I must explain that whenever I read a book or picture a character in my head, it stays with me forever,
no matter what the writer says...ugh, I hate it...but it happens..

I also have a great tendency to picture my real life friends or actors in place of a description in a book,
and I do that with you all too.....

And...(geez, is she through with the disclaimers YET?) I also picture you in places.....

So, with that in mind......

Jasmine-- I see a woman with lots of curly, dark hair which flows to her shoulders, sitting at her computer surrounded by cats. (My husband says he sees you as an Irish red head, hair blowing in the wind with a long green flowing gown...Hmmm... ;)

Kalina-- I picture a little blond fairy with purple gossamer wings. She has on a short lavender irridescent dress, with a ragged edge and short, purple boots.
She is sitting on a leaf looking down on the world from high up in a tree her arms hugging her knees...
as I said before, because she flits in and out of here at irregular intervals

Vir-- Vir is a farmer, so I see him outdoors. He has blond hair and his clothes are disheveled and dirty and he has a big smile on his face

Blind Man-- I have always imagined Blind Man as G'Kar, that's it. I see him when I see the name Blind Man.
This is a good thing, as G'Kar is so eloqent and such a good writer and speaker.

Anne-- I always see Anne as my friend, Catherine from church, who has straight blond hair parted in the middle
which she sometimes wears with a headband and she wears glasses

Bruce-- I picture my young friend and employee named David. You two have a lot in common in your school work is the most important thing in your life right now and you are both very studious.
David has long straight blond hair which hangs to his shoulders.

Lonegungrrl-- ah...the girl... :) She may not like this, but, I see her in camouflage :) In uniform, boots too ;)
And I always want to throw my arms around her and give her a hug and say, "I'm here. It's okay."

Norville-- I picture Norville as a petite girl. short dark hair, dressed in a button down shirt and cargo pants, wandering around
a Barnes and Noble with an armful of books

trurl-- I know what trurl looks like, so I kinda go with that, but I see her looking thin, in a dress, twirling on a wooden dance floor.
She has short curly reddish brown hair

Haeli-- I picture as an old friend from long ago, Jennifer. She has large eyes and long blond hair and is always smiling, She sits on a school bus.

pookha-- I've always thought of pookha as a slightly built woman with short dark hair and glasses. She is very matter of fact. I see her at her desk at work.

Lt Col Stickler-- Camouflage once again :) Shaved head or a flat top hair cut, blond hair, dog tags :)

SysCrusher--- ahh another person from the past..someone I worked with long ago, Bob. Long dark hair, and glasses. but Sys is sitting in front of his
computer with his bicycle in the room and his helmet on the table behind him. He fiddles with his tire pump and the kids come dashing into the room :)

Razzle Dazzle--the corporate exec! VIP! In an office with papers piled all around and people slipping past her door so she won't notice them. ;)

Worker Caste--well, I've met WC so this is hard...I can't remember what I USED to think she looked like....but I do remember I thought
she was very intelligent and straightforward....sorry WC, can't picture you any other way, but as you are, smiling and giggling ;)

Lite-- hmm. ;) I know what Lite looks like too....but I have always pictured her with dark hair and glasses, much like poohka

Sir Rhino-- hmmm, new friend, but I see an old friend in his place. My friend, Gerry who is tall, thin and has bright eyes and glasses. Dark hair.

tOM-- I picture the face of a former employee, Brian. I know tOM to be a big bear of a man, who could be like a grizzly,
but also a Teddy bear who gives wonderful loving hugs, at least that's what I think.. ;)

Corwin the Master Physicist-- I know what Cor really looks like too :) VERY tall, I picture him in a white lab coat (as did someone else as I recall.)
Thin, with red hair...mostly serious look on his face ;)

AVorlon-- there is an air of mystery around AVorlon, but I see him as a young man, having dark hair and driving a red sports car, a convertible ;)

Kosh Kaltu--ahh this is a toughy...I get a feeling of love when I see this name. Warmth. My heart melts. I can't lie.
I see the character Vin from the Magnificent Seven (ah heck, he won't see this anyway...I hope. If he does he'll never speak to me again :)
Time to hit the delete key like Tom Hanks in "You've Got Mail"! Yikes! ;)

Minarvia-- I see a dark haired girl splashing in a swimming pool in a blue bathing suit :)

Tammy-- another one I know ...a tall girl with a big smile and full of fun. I picture her at work in the Casino and at home in front of her (Web) tv. ;)

Kinnison-- I always pictured K. as a computer geek with a flat top haircut and a white shirt and a dark tie sitting at his computer terminal

Greylyn-- I know what Grey looks like, but I used to imagine she looked like Catherine, like I said Anne does above...

Inquisitor-- ahhh now this is an enigma...I see a cape and a hood but no face, I am not allowed in here...I wish I were though...

Neroon-- I always pictured Neroon as Neroon from B5, how could I not?

Nickstam-- Nick is in a white lab coat, he has dark hair and is running to and fro behind the counter at the pharmacy :)

Chryro-- red curly hair, she looks like my friend Sheree very petite and friendly

Kat / Zombiewoman-- I see her the same as Chyro, my friend Sheree who is the tiniest little gal you've ever seen, she is a doll

I HOPE and PRAY I am not forgetting anyone...If I remember I will add you later , K? ;)

Forgive me all...I hope you like what I see in you..

Shal , with love always ... but you knew that... ;)

Re: I know I am going to Hell and I am going to regret this... (Kalina) (04-May-2000)

Shal wrote: Kalina-- I picture a little blond fairy with purple gossamer wings. She has on a short, lavender irridescent dress, with a ragged edge and short purple boots.
She is sitting on a leaf looking down on the world from high up in a tree her arms hugging her knees...
as I said before, because she flits in and out of here at irregular intervals much purple!

I do have tendancy to not post for periods of time don't I?
I'm here, reading but without much time to post, pondering all that purple.
That's quite peachy.

(starts sharpening pencil) I'm gonna try to draw this one!


Thank you Shal. (tOM) (04-May-2000)

Does this mean that I'm sleeping half my life away hibernating? (g)!


LOL! You tell *ME*, Bear !! :))) (n/t) (Shal) (05-May-2000)

Do you know... (Shal) (05-May-2000)

That out of the 30 people I listed, I KNOW what 11 of you actually look like?

How about that?

I have seen pics of 11 of you...


That's a lot actually...

Just thinking out loud...


Well, somewhat... (Norville) (05-May-2000)

Shal wrote: I picture Norville as a petite girl, short dark hair, dressed in a button down shirt and cargo pants, wandering around a Barnes and Noble with an armful of books.

Petite, yes. Brown hair (really brown now, though it was yellow-blonde when I was very young), needs to be shorter. Button-down shirt, no, more like t-shirt with a denim jacket over it. Cargo pants, no, the company would have a fit over my wearing *jeans*, but I do wear pants anyway... Armful of books suits me wherever I am. ;-)


SysCrusher (Sir Rhino) (04-May-2000)

After reading your descriptions of each other, I know that mine are really really shallow, so rather than give them, how about a related story concerning SysCrusher?

Back in November we were putting together a list of email addresses to send invitations of our public opening to (from the membership of 5 B5 related webrings.) Three of us divided up the pile of website addresses and visited each one looking for an email address.

Now there are some evil people on the web, we all know this, and of course you're going to keep an eye out for such folks, it only makes sense, right? (There was one guy whose motto was 'My Freedom of Speech is More Important Than Your Freedom of Speech'.)

Anyway, I get to SysCrusher. My immediate reaction was:

' *blaaak* SysCrusher ??!!?!? Jeeze, do we really want to have someone named SysCrusher chrushing our system?'

So of course I checked out his site. 'Oh, ok, this is ok, he just has a spookie name, that's all, no big deal. Whew.'

So in at least one context, the name SysCrusher reeeealy stands out :-)

Sir Rhino

To: Sir Rhino Re: SysCrusher (SouthEastern Gal) (05-May-2000)

Read SysCrusher's Story here.

In case the link failed.


Thank You South Eastern Gal (Sir Rhino) (05-May-2000)

I think I already read that. We're just talking first impressions here, I saw that SysCrusher is cool.

But, let's pretend you are responsible for the security on a site (or at the very least yours is the butt that will be on the line if something goes wrong.) You just noticed that you have 5 new members on your site:


Are you going to sleep easy tonight?

I rest my case :-)

Sir Rhino

Actually........(SouthEastern Gal) (06-May-2000)

I just thought you might like to read his entire story.

And I understand all too well. I did not know how to take him at first either. If I were in charge of security at a site he wouldn't have been invited either.

And I teach. Sometimes I wish I could ban certain individuals that act in an unsocial manner or wear clothing that is suggestive of anti-social behaviour.

Met someone once whose online name was serialkilla. Scary name. I didn't want to talk much at first. It turns out he was a teen who talked about doing major damage to a bowl of cereal. I almost mentioned to him that he should change the spelling so that people wouldn't be so put off by the name.

That's life for ya. Confusing as all get out.


Re: Actually......... (Sir Rhino) (06-May-2000)

Yeah I know, first impressions can be way off sometimes.

Just to be clear, I am pretty sure SysCrusher was sent an invitation, I distinctly remember investigating and figuring he was cool, but in checking my database on the invites, I can't find his record, so I can't be positive.

I think he was sent one ... well I certainly hope he was ... especially now after opening my big yap.

*SR wonders if he has once again been hit with an attack of foot-in-mouth syndrone*

Sir Rhino

Gulp. So many that I forgot. Let's see if I can pick them all up. (tOM) (04-May-2000)

Kosh Kaltu - A chocolate encounter suit. Wisdom, strength, and peace.
Minarvia - A wize lady from a distant land.
Neroon - Neroon. What else can he be but who he is?
Kinnison - The Grey Man. Faceless, but only because he chooses to be.
Greylyn - Galadrial. In grey, not gold.
Anne - Straightforward, direct, but not simple. Down to earth, with dirt under her fingernails, but her mind walks among the stars.
Nickstam - The private eye. Cool. Trench coat and a slouch hat. Cigarette smoke? or is that just his breath on a foggy San Francisco morning.
Kat / Zombiewoman - Momma cat, keeping the kittens in line and cuffing them around a bit in the process. Exasperated patience.
The Lord of Sporks - A member of the petite nobility, but the mystical powers of his strange instrament of office make him one of the most important peers of the rhelm.
Sir Fabius of Loxley - The well rounded man. As ready for a bon mot (or a bonbon) as a bombardment. Arms, Arts, and the Man.


Speaking of Sir Fabius... (t) (Raz) (04-May-2000)

Has anyone heard from him lately?



Not at all... (Shal) (04-May-2000)

But he is still on the List...

I feel like a moron. (SysCrusher ) (04-May-2000)

I've been part of this community for almost 3 years (going back to other boards), and I'm embarrassed to say I have a hard time cranking up a mental picture of almost everyone. Call it lack of imagination or just plain stupidity... my brain locks up.
I try to evaluate people on their words and actions, looks are deceiving. Admittedly I spent most of my young adult life seeking "looks". The girl I married is not the most beautiful girl I ever dated, but she's still far better looking than I deserve. The bottom line is we are "right" together.
What's this have to do with the thread.
Heck, I don't know...
I guess it's my way of saying, Our diversity in spiritual, philosophical, and moral beliefs makes us all better people for knowing each other.
I've learned things about alternate lifestyles, farming, pagan religion, young people, music, comedy, science, the climate and sites of local interest in other states (and countries) without leaving my living room. I've had a chance to learn about what people really feel, how we all hurt physically and emotionally, face fear, rejoice in our (or our friends) personal triumphs because of the ananimity of the internet.
I've learned that a late 60's early 70's teenager has grown up to become a parent that has a hard time understanding the teenagers of today (My fault, not their's).
BTW, my kids haven't hit their teens yet... SCARY!

While the internet may not be the best way to experience the world, it's people and cultures, it has allowed me to "know" people I never could have met.

Shal probably knows me better than anyone here. She has seen photos of my wife & kids but none of me. She was pretty close to being dead on in her description of me, so I'm adopting her ideas of what we physically look like.

Sorry I couldn't visualize everyone here, but I see you all as important and wonderful people because of your hearts. That's why I vist this place every time I'm online, even if I'm lurking, you pick me up.

SysCrusher... who DID NOT create the ILOVEYOU virus, honest Sir Rhino! ;-)


Don't!(SouthEastern Gal) (04-May-2000)

I mean it!

I have trouble visualizing people for the same reason. I learned early on that looks are so deceiving and usually get a weekly reminder of it. I base my feelings about people on their actions.

For instance, I never understood the dumb blonde jokes. What does hair color have to do with it? Unless the bleaching process also leaches out the intelligence.

But like others, I do have my perceptions. I just do not relate them easily. I am not working this summer, so perhaps I'll have time to write more filk and poetry about the people of this place and its folk. I prefer to do it humourously anyway.


My blush (tOM) (05-May-2000 07:56:28)

I didn't realize that Anne & TPG (AKA Southeastern Gal) were one and the same. The nick is quicker than the eye.


What a lovely tribute to us all! (n/t) (Jasmine >^..^<) (04-May-2000)

Hello Dear Friend...(Shal) (05-May-2000)

I got you pegged, huh??? ;))))

LOL ;)


Guess I just listened.

Wonder if I got anyone else down pat..?
I know I got three, the ones I know best.
I know I got tOM ;)
And I bet I got Kosh, not the physical, because I know he has short dark hair and is fair ...
but I got his heart.
And as you said, that is what is most important.
MOST important of all...

As for the others...time will tell, yes?

And then we have you not being able to picture the group...

Me either really...just the essence I get and I added the presence I feel to the physical images of people I knew in the past or wherever...

It was tough.
Ask Jas :)
She heard me in several emails last night.
"This is sooo difficult!!" LOL!

This was a good test.

Hey! I loved your post.
Very thoughtful.
You have a good heart, Sys.

I love you, guy!

*Big hugs*


Thanks (tOM) (05-May-2000)

Long ago, on a board far away, someone suggested that we try to arrange a BoardCon, where people would get a chance to meet face-to-face.

My response at the time was that I prefered to know the people just from their own words, without having to worry about preconceptions or prejudices. Heck, often it wasn't even clear who was male or who was female.

But it's been at least two years (maybe more) that it's been reading posts by some of these folks and they have built up a real personna in my mind.

Your point is well made. Here we get to be judged and accepted by our words, because often, that's all of us that there is.


LOL (n/t) (05-May-2000)

Don't feel bad. I can't think of any either. (Haeli) (05-May-2000)

I just hadn't thought about it - not consciously, anyhow - and as with most things like that, when I sit and try to think of it it never comes to me. I do have a few though - very few...

Sir Rhino is, well, a rhino with a helmet on.

I've seen Shal's picture on her site, so I can't think of anything - but she does remind me of all of my aunts, my mom's sisters, all rolled into one. (All nine of them) Especially Rose, because they're both bubbly and happy most of the time.

Lord of Sporks is dressed up in a superhero costume and carries a spork.

I see Jasmine with short black hair, cat ears, and painted-on whiskers.

G'kar Junior is G'kar, only a little shorter, and dressed up like Indiana Jones.

Kinnison looks like my 9th grade history teacher, Mr. Tyler. He has short brown hair and a beard.

I'll post others if I think of any more...

:-) Haeli

What y'all look like to me. (SouthEastern Gal) (04-May-2000)

Sorry for the delay. I had to think on this one a bit.

First let me say for the most part I like what I have read. You have no idea how close you came in some respects.

Second, I rarely imagine someone's looks before I meet them because I am usually wrong. And it just floors me when I do meet them.

But I do have impressions of people based on their conversations.

pookha makes me think of The Rowan and her BarkCat. She also reminds me of a pixie.

ShalMayan - makes me think of sunshine and poetry

Razzle Dazzle - someone very vibrant - makes me think of Chocolate way too often.

Worker Caste - As her name implies she works very hard at her profession.

Lite - someone mischievous - She described herself as frumpy to me and I began to see her that way until I saw a picture. HA! frumpy my ....

Jasmine - the names makes me think exotic, which is in keeping with her feline companions.

trurl - since she told me that trurl was a robot that's the picture I have.

Tammy - she likes G'Kar - I think that says it all

Kalina - elfin, energetic, too full of energy, living life to the fullest

Haeli - young and energetic, active in her school and community

lonegungrrl -also young and energetic with lots of good ideas - active in her school and community also

Greylyn - Working Girl, (worker caste?) working hard to succeed, and a very essential part of our society. I think Southern when I think of her.

tOM - from what I have seen of his web site I would have thought he deliberately typed his name wrong. I also thought of e. e. cummings when I saw his name. Monty Python is a good description.

SysCrusher - very imposing name. Did not like him at first because of the name, but I found out different as time went on.

Bruce - young, energetic, full of dreams and willing to pursue them

Sir Rhino - determined, yet gentlemanly, willing to take risks (BTR), yet conservative in nature.

Corwin, The Physicist - Corwin is young and has not been given the respect he is due. He also has a lot to learn. I imagine a young physicist is also in the same boat. His instructors think highly of him, but I doubt (in the nature of a true instructor) they lavish praise on him. Teachers can be that way.

AVorlon - as mysterious as the Vorlon

Lt. Col Stickler - I think the name says it. But as someone said here before, God is in the Details. I think of someone who is a patient commander and not a shouter.

Blind Man - reminds me of Kosh in a way. Or Dennis Miller, the deliverer of the obscure one-liner. Blind Man definitely sees on a different plane.

Vir - erudite, which actually describes the all the people here, a person of many possibilities and much promise, probably underestimated by his bosses and others he meets.

G'Kar Junior - needs geography lessons (thinks Texas is a country all its own). I know he hasn't posted in a while, but I thought I would mention him. I think of a Texan in big boots and a stetson.

Lord of Sporks - imaginative, funny

Then there are the others that I do not know well such as thoth, kinnison, Inquisitor (who can be funny, unlike his namesake), Sir Fabius of Loxley, Kosh, and any others I might have forgotten.

This was a good idea Sir Rhino.


G'Kar Junior (tOM) (05-May-2000)

How could I forget? Duh!

Indiana Jones on a bad skin day (with an eye-patch {which he doesn't really need}).


My turn (Vir) (06-May-2000)

I've been way too busy farming to post this week, but this thread is great. I hope someone is archiving it...
Most of the descriptions of me have been spot-on. I like Shal's especially, even though I'm not blond.
I've got a touch of SysCrusher's problem; most of the time people's nicks set off an emotional tone, rather than a picture, if you can catch that wave.

Corwin the Physicist: At first when I saw his nick I thought of the hero from Zelazyny's 'Amber' series, complete with armor, treacherous family and trumps. Now put him in a lab coat, trying to find the next gluon.

South Eastern Gal/tpg: At first I saw her as somone who can garden in a dress without getting dirty, who knows 14 words to banish cutworms forever. These days I see her as wise, tired and wry, looking like Maya Angelous.

Jasmine: Definitely not a Disney heroine. I see Jas as a character from a tall tale, a backwoods Baba Yaga (without the steel teeth), stern with strangers and generous and open-hearted with friends. She knows where the good ginseng is and the safe way to harvest mandrake root. Shoots rattlers and wrestles bears.

trurl: I see her as a willowy blond human or an ironic blue robot. I hate to say this, but when we first met I thought she was a guy. Sorry, trurl.

tOM: At first I thought the nick had something to do with transcendental meditation. tOM is either a tow-headed boy floating down an interstellar Mississipi with a sprig of quadrotriticale in his teeth, or a broken-nosed man in vigorous middle age wearing an AOL uniform.

SysCrusher: A large, muscular Christian. I can see him in a Crusade against Saladin, or the Drach, with equal ease.

Lt. Col. Stickler: Jovial and lethal. Home on furlough wearing a tank top and shorts. Knows 143 ways to kill a 6-pack. Ceasar entertaining his troops with baudy jokes on the night before a battle.

Lonegungirl: Small, blond and wafish, with a wry grin that scares boys. Either no-nosense in athletic sweater and jeans, or clad to po-mo perfection as an extra from 'Road Warrior'.

Haeli: Smart, perky, sassy. Dr. Who's sidekick or one of the Tomorrow People.

Tammy/Gkarfan: I was fooled about her age at first, mistook her for a teenager. The name 'Tammy' makes me think of beach movies. The smart girl who doesn't get the guy in a 50's surf flick , or an enthusuastic teenage Narn on her way to a G'Kar concert.

Inquisitor: A tall, pale man with high cheekbones, looking a lot like John Malkovich. A pleasant and mercurial fellow, with an evil job. He thinks of his best jokes while he's working, which is why he's always trying not to smile.

Norville: Not Debra Norville. I imagine her with dark, short hair and peircing eyes. Built for stamina, not for speed, wearing a brown suit. Sardonic grin, loud, brief laugh. To impress her is to have done something.

That's all for now, I'll have more later.


Re: My turn (Norville) (06-May-2000)

Vir wrote: Norville: Not Debra Norville.

Thanks. :-) "Norville" is a family name; as far as I know, though, Deborah is no relation...
I imagine her with dark, short hair and peircing eyes. Built for stamina, not for speed, wearing a brown suit.
Brown hair, quickly gets longer than I'd like... eyes are more crossed than piercing (and I don't think I can match my mom's fierce glare) :-)... got the build right... like to wear black or dark blue, not brown.
Sardonic grin, loud, brief laugh.
Sardonic, probably. I try not to be loud, though sometimes have such outbursts.

To impress her is to have done something.

Ah, I'm afraid that's true. I've become ever more UNimpressed by people lately... someone, please impress me positively! ;-)


Re: can garden in a dress without getting dirty? (SouthEastern Gal) (06-May-2000)

Hello Vir,

I go through phases in my life where this is true. I used to dress up to work in a convenience store and I never got my outfits dirty.

Right now I am in the phase "as soon as it's on, it's dirty."

Anne, who can't wait for the other phase to come back.

SouthEastern Gal

t'OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (tOM) (08-May-2000 08:44:44)

I kinda like that.

Sort of like the female Vulcans in Star Trek (T'Pow, T'Ping, T'Splat - What happens if you fire a slug thrower in a starship)


Hey, fun thread... :) (Blind Man) (06-May-2000)

It's been interesting reading all these... (me as a leprechaun? I kinda like that, Jasmine... :)

But I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as Syscrusher, in that I tend not to see "faces" with the names. Strangely enough, though, with some folks (not all, so I hope I don't offend anyone I don't mention) I tend to get an impression of their *environment*, rather than *them*. For instance...

tOM: I always sense him being at a desk at an office with off-white walls and carpet. His is the first desk off the hallway, and I always get the impression he knows more about what's going on there than anyone else--whether they're aware of it or not.

Tammy: I sense a living room with the TV tuned to Web-TV, with Tammy kicking back on the couch with the keyboard.

pookha: I always see steep, wooded hills, for some reason...

SouthEastern Gal: I always see a little, unpainted wooden house just off a dirt road, with a picket fence and a little garden out back.

That's all that springs to mind at the moment, I'm afraid. But those are the vibes I get...

Top o' the marnin' to ye! :)

:) Blind Man

All right (tOM) (08-May-2000 08:40:36)

So you've seen my office. Big deal!

Actually, the other descriptions of environments resonate with me too.


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