

You are the Counter interdimensional traveller to arrive here since 3-May-2001.

Welcome to the Patchworld!
This is the dimensional crossroads for all the realities (i.e., rpg campaigns) I have created and maintain. Cataloguing and administering all these different planes is a lengthy process, but I intend to finish it eventually. So, if one of the wormholes takes you to the dreadful 404 Dimension, be patient and come back some other time in the near future.


Other: Peace & Light

Other: The Price of Freedom

GURPS: Quarto Mundo.




A generic system created by the Fuzion Labs. I use it for supers.

Another generic system -- one of my favorites. I use it for almost everything.

The Mayfair Exponential Game System, first used for the now-defunct DC Heroes RPG.

A catch-all category that includes systems I have used for one game only or that were added more recently and have a central page for them..

Most of the hyperlinks I have collected are located in Planet Fred's moons, so I will direct you there. However, the respective realities have hyperlink centers of their own pointing to relevant places.


Planet Fred

The physical manifestation of the Patchworld in the Terran continuum.


Science Hyperlink Centers
RPG Hyperlink Centers
SF & Fantasy Hyperlink Centers



If you have sugestions, have located some incongruency in any of the realities or just want to say hello, please contact me.


This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.


You are now leaving the Patchworld.
Come back soon!


Last Update: 21-June-08

This page was created with Netscape Navigator Gold and is hosted by Geocities (get your own free homepage!).