More Than Gold

Whether it's the bedroom or boardroom these opposites attract.

"...Hailstock really explores the conflicts of her characters..."

Publishers Weekly

ISBN: 1-58314-316-5

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Nefertiti Kincaid had worked hard to reach the top of Worthington Pharmaceutical--until a corporate merger turned her ordered world upside down. To make matters worse, the merging companies had hired the savvy consultant Averal Ballantine, to smooth the rough waters of change. Vowing to hate him sight unseen, Nefertiti instead found herself powerfully attracted to this smooth-talking man who boldly strolled into her life, threatening not only her career...but her heart.


Averal Ballantine was enchanted by Nefertiti's regal beauty and fiery temper. Somehow he would have to convince this cool beauty that he was not out to hurt her even though he had his own wounds to heal. Scarred by his parents' bitter divorce, he'd promised himself never to marry or have children. But his growing attraction for Nefertiti slowly eroded his resolve and raw emotions. And soon Nefertiti and Averal surrender to the passion burning in their souls. Now, there was no turning back...

Opposites Attract

Read Chapter 1

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