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Star Wars Internet Story -- The Notes Star Wars Internet Story -- The Notes Star Wars Internet Story The Notes

S t a r W a r s Internet Story--The Notes

Welcome to the Notes page...this is where you can read the notes between different characters. The Notes are collections of letters between various characters, and these letters follow a slightly AU Star Wars Storyline. Please enjoy reading. Simply click on the Notes you would like to read.....and specific character information can be found at the character link. Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Any questions or comments? Feel free to E-mail me or message me using AIM. My screenname is ArwenMUC

Thanks and have a great day! Leia, webmaster, and person in charge of the SW Internet story
Learn About The Notes
The Original Notes with Kathy
Main Original Trilogy Notes (These are the new notes that follow a slightly different storyline, and are done with various online friends)
Main Prequel Notes (These are the new notes that follow a slighty different storyline, and are done with various online friends)
Link to the notes done with Jaid
Notes done with all other Online friends
Link to the various characters in the notes stories
Little link about my spiritual life
WebRings.If you are interested in finding a specific WebRing on my site, here is a listing of all the webrings and links to the page with that code on it (so that if you came via a webring and have looked at my site, you can find your way back to the WebRing you came from.)

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