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Our intent is to give you a place to do some online
reading, learning and teaching. To that end we will
write articles that we hope are of interest to you.
There will also be an area for reader submissions.
A page with guidelines for submissions
will be added in the next week.

We hope all of our articles will be written with love and kindness.
We seek to create Unity, not widen the divide even more.

The following is what our table of contents will
look like. The links are not active as of yet.

tiny dot Witch: A Rose by any other name
tiny dot Kitchen Witch Recipes
tiny dot Celebrating Holidays with your NonPagan Family
tiny dot Love Spells: Do you or Don't you?
tiny dot To Hex or Not To Hex
tiny dot The Traveling Pagan
tiny dot Portable Ritual Tools
tiny dot The Crafty Witch
tiny dot Broom Closet: In or Out?
tiny dot Teaching Our Children
tiny dot How does your Garden grow?
tiny dot TechnoPagan: Networking Online
tiny dot Everyday Recipes for Everyone
tiny dotThe Burning Times - My Views

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All Graphics copyright 2001 Lorelai Dawnfyre.
All rights reserved. All wrongs addressed accordingly.