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Instinct and doubt
they cannot agree
and therefor shall be
the ruin of me! ........Me
Loss of mindfulness is why people engage in useless pursuits, do not care for their own interests, and remain unalarmed in the presence of things which actually mencace thier welfare. - Buddah
Coffee Shop Poetry

The comforts wine has
like delirious moments surrounding me
like bare skin in the warm rain
a succulent summer dream
and the stillness of time
I am as rich as honey
with the blood-like drink
lingering on my tongue.
                                    Melissa Ladd
My friend is one...who takes me for who I am
Mon ami est...quelqu'un qui m'accepte tel que je suis

                     - Henry David Thoreau
La scène...
My Paris
Currently Reading / Ce que je lis en ce moment :

Histoire des Treize

Le Misanthrope
" 'Man,' whatever we think of him, is never anything more than a temporary bougeois compromise."  Hesse
"Be yourself no matter what they say"-Sting
Wish List / Souhaits...
- La paix en Iraq. Peace in Irak
- Le nouveau album de Guns n' Roses!!
- Un concert de Bon Jovi à Paris. A Bon Jovi concert in Paris
- Des talons du marque "Roberto Vascon" High heels from fashion designer "Roberto Vascon"
- Un weekend à Antibes. A weekend in Antibes.
- See's Candies (nuts and chews)
- A big family reunion! Une énorme réunion de ma famille!

De quoi revez-vous? Ecrivez le dans le "Guestbook" / What do you wish for? Write it is the "Guestbook.
Spring 2007

My first update since December 06...Yikes!

Première mise à jour depuis décembre 06...Aie!

Les semestre s'achève, l'été arrive ...on verra ce que le bea temps nous apporte....

The semester is finishing, summer is coming...we'll see what the good weather may bring...
Bijoux by Ladd
My GnR page / Ma page GnR + review
"Tous les excès sont frères. Ces monstruosités sociales possèdent la puissance des abimes, elles nous attirent comme Sainte-Hélène appelait Napoléon; elles donnent des vertiges, elles facinent, et nous voulons en voir le fond sans savoir pourquoi."
                                                Balzac (La peau de chagrin)
"The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast."
Oscar Wilde (Lord Arthur Savile's Crime)
My ode to France