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Our Story
When our owner Katie got us, we were little. Our eyes had just opened. She thought her other pets needed playmates, so I actually belong to a Chomby named BetterThanTheGelatti. Percy belongs to a Chomby named TheJigIsUp. They live in a world called Neopia. You should check it out sometime. It's great fun!

Hi! Paddy here with a little reminder... we are NOT live animals!

Site of the Week
No One This Week

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7.1.03 - I am no longer VEing... I am taking a break for a while... sorry. iwillmissyouallverymuch ^_^
5.11.03 - I wasn't able to update last week. I am on LOA from you all voting for me this week. There is no SOTW this week. I will begin again next week.
4.27.03 - Congratulations to Youbee Angel's Place for being Site of the Week! I am back from my LOA. YAY! I was extremely busy last week, so I forgot to do the SOTW. Sorry. Anyway, I am back and ready to vote! Huzzah! Next weekend is Ren Fest... I can't wait to meet Lady Jane! :D We should have met before this, as we live in the same town, but we haven't. Oh well, I'm excited! imissedyouallsoverymuch ^_^
4.13.03 - Congratulations to Paws to Purr for being the Site of the Week! I am on LOA this week, so nothing is really going on. I am taking care of some things around the house... yeah. Anyway, I will remain in competition and vote whenever I can, but I'm not promising anything. icantwaituntiligetback ^_^
4.6.03 - Congratulations to Icestar for being the Site of the Week! Happy April everyone! Guess what? I'M IN THE DOME! Thank you soooooooo much! Hopefully I can win three in a row and retire. Ah, just dreaming... I fixed the featured site page. Now it is just one basic graphic because I am too lazy to make individual ones. Plus, they take up a lot of room. iluffyouallverymuch ^_^
3.29.03 - Congratulation to Auntie's Family for being the Site of the Week! Still behind on the graphics. Will change it soon, I promise. I'm in the Warzone this week! Yay! Thank you so much! ihopimakeittothedomeagain ^_^
3.23.03 - Congratulations to Painter-McAlister Ancestry for being the Site of the Week! I'm a bit behind on the graphics for all of you featured sites. Sorry. I'm moving up to the Top End! Yay! If I win here, off to the Warzone for me! EEE! I'm actually on time with everything but the graphics this week. Yay! thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport ^_^
3.16.03 - Congratulations to Genea's Furbys for being the Site of the Week! Yes, your graphic will be up soon! I'm back in Kakadu this week. A couple more rounds until the Warzone again. thanksforyoursupport ^_^
3.9.03 - Congratulations to A Touch of Scottish for being Site of the Week! Your graphic should be up soon. I'm in the WARZONE! Visit my VE page for some gifts!! Thanks everyone! ihopeyouhaveawonderfulweek ^_^
3.2.03 - Congratulations to Ballerina Faery's Domain for being Site of the Week! Your graphic will be up soon. I am at the Topend this week. As you can tell, I am back from my short LOA. Last week was so hard for me. It is still hard. I don't know when I will ever get over this. On a lighter note, I am doing well in school. I am a bit behind, but doing okay. I still need to make thank you graphics for all of you. I will do that tomorrow. I have to go out of town tonight, but I will vote first! thanksforyourkindwordsandencouragement ^_^
2.23.03 - Congratulations to Heros of Airliner 93 for being Site of the Week. I did not win in the Dome. Congrats to Muffin's Place there. I am taking a week of LOA, but I will still be competing. I am not asking for votes. Too much is happening right now. iwillmissyouwhileimgone ^_^
2.16.03 - Congratulations to Under His Wings for being Site of the Week. I'm going to the DOME! Thanks everyone for a wonderful week in the Zone. Whew! It was too close for comfort! Yay! I'm so happy! Maybe I can win?! That would rock! thankyouthankyouthankyou ^_^
2.9.03 - Congratulations to Snow Kitten's Litter Box for being Site of the Week. I am going to the WARZONE! Yay! I will be making gifts! thankyousoverymuch ^_^
2.5.03 - Yesterday was my brother's birthday. Happy Birthday Bubba! He's 23! I am updating the site today. Now it will be designed using server side includes. Layout changes will be as easy uploading two new files! Now I must get to the boring work. iluffserversideincludes ^_^
2.3.03 - Congratulations to Kitten Rescue for being the Site of the Week. I will have the graphic up soon. Thanks for getting me to the Top End you guys! If I win this week, it's off the Warzone for me! Yay! thanksforallyoursupport ^_^
2.1.03 - It is a very sad day indeed. I hope you all are safe at home. May God be with us and those we love. thevictimsfamiliesareinmythoughtsandprayers ^_^
1.29.03 - Yay! I am winning in the Kakadu! I made a Valentine's square today. I am also working on a Mardi Gras square. I got welcoming squares from members as well. I will make them into a quilt soon. iluffthequiltersgarden ^_^
1.27.03 - Congratulations Spanky's Place!!! I created a blinkie today. There is a link to it on my VE page. I also created a quilt square last night and one today, as well as a quilt page. Those are linked on my WOSIB page. I voted for the first time this year on Open Door today. Yay! I also made a charm club layout, but I want show it to you until I can find the charm club link. I got a lot done today. ihopeyouhadawonderfulday ^_^
1.25.03 - I have another rematch at Kakadu. I have been out supporter hunting. I joined the Captain's topsite today. I also applied for the creators garden and quilt garden at WOSIB. I'm doing a lot now! welltakeyouguysiluffyou ^_^
1.22.03 - Snowing! It's snowing! ... just like it snowed last Thursday. Yay! I have been at the Kakadu since I began fighting again this year. I need more supporters. I have decided to feature one of my supporters in my weekly mailings. Not much else to say. Have fun you guys! imgonnahavefuninthesnowtomorrowwee ^_^
1.11.03 - I got my 1 Year of Service award for being a Deputy today! I am so excited! I will put up on my Deputy spirit page soon. Right now I have to find something to do for February. Hmmm... ihopeiwonthisweekthankyouall ^_^
1.8.03 - Ah, it feels great to be back! I am getting my VE list back in order, I made a new banner (on VE page), and I am an official blinkie builder at DBlotShop. *DPotPie* I finally figured out what my New Year's resolution is. I am going to be more active in the things I am already involved in. That reminds me... I need to start WOSIB again. Life is great! ... until school starts back! thankyouforyourwonderfulsupport ^_^
1.4.03 - Happy New Year everyone! Well, I'm VEing again, sooo... if you wish to VE with me, visit my VE page. I am recovering from pneumonia right now and all I can do is play on the internet. Now maybe I can update something! LOL ACK! The bottom half of my page disappeared. I'm going to have to wing it and try to remember what was there. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Take care. itfeelssogreattobeback ^_^

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Spread the spirit!
Thanks Deputy DFrog!

I finally received my spirit wings! Now I can fly everywhere!

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