Pack 10 By-Laws
Code of Conduct
Revised 01/13/05

  1. Parents are responsible for help and guidance in progress of the Cub Scout through the ranks. Scouting is a FAMILY program! Cub Scouts will advance in rank by grade as follows:
First grade
Second grade
Third grade
Fourth grade
Fifth grade

Tiger Cubs
Bobcat & Wolf
Bobcat (if just joined) & Bear
Bobcat (if just joined) & Webelos
Bobcat (if just joined) & Webelos

  1. Required uniform consists of Cub Scout shirt, neckerchief, slide, belt, dark slacks or jeans, dark socks, and footwear that is clean and without holes. Cub Scout pants and cap are optional. Uniform is required at all den and pack meetings and should be neat and clean with shirts tucked in. Scouts must wear uniforms properly to receive awards.
  2. Pack meetings are held at Bethany Christian Church. 1645 North Cotner, on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise rescheduled.
  3. Attendance is required at all den and pack meetings, unless excused in advance by the Den Leader. Misbehavior at den or pack meetings or three consecutive unexcused absences will be reason for the Parents' Committee to discuss actions to be taken, including dismissal from the den or pack.
  4. All Cub Scouts must be accompanied by a parent or adult at all pack meetings and activities. The Cub Scouts will sit with their respective dens at the pack meetings. Cub scouts will at all times be respectful towards one another, parents and guests of the pack at all times during the pack meeting.
  5. Den members and parents are expected to help whenever possible with the pack meeting per assigned den duty roster.
  6. Parent meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Bethany Christian Church unless otherwise rescheduled. Parents or responsible adults are encouraged to attend, as all are part of the Parents' Committee.
  7. Den sizes will not be less than four and not more than seven whenever possible. Should den's become too large, the Den Leader and Cub Master may consider separating the den into smaller groups.
  8. Den dues may be required for projects and activities. The Den Leader will set the amount. Dues are payable for nine months (September through May) and may be paid in advance, if desired.
  9. A pack library is available for ideas on games and crafts. It is kept by the Committee Chairperson and is available to all parents.|
  10. Awards for advancements, Webelos colors, leaders training, and leader attendance at Cub Scout activities will be paid by the pack.
  11. The Committee Chairperson and Cub Master will be selected for a period not to exceed two consecutive years, unless voted on by the Parents' Committee.
  12. The Cub Master position will be filled, whenever possible, in years other than that of a new Committee Chairperson, to allow continuity in pack leadership and smooth changeover.
  13. The pack programs run from May to May (Tiger Cub graduation and advancement in dens). All members of the pack are expected to do their fair share in pack programs such as fund raising, service projects, Blue and Gold Banquet, committees, etc. Please make sure that when you, the parents, sign up for a committee that you will be there to fulfill your obligation.
  14. If you have any questions regarding Pack 10 policies, contact the Cub Master. The Cub Master is the only one who can give you Pack 10 policies and help avoid any misunderstandings.