Pinewood Derby Eskimo Run 2004 Special Events NEWS Favorites Camping

Calendar of Events

Nooteeming Properties Committee

Directions to Nooteeming Boy Scout Camp

Pinewood and Space Derby Information


Pack 80 sent care packages to our troops oversees.  We support your efforts and we would like to hear from you!  Send us an email by clicking HERE.

Our Webelo II's have bridged to Troop 17 and Troop 37.

Please visit the Nooteeming Properties Committee website.
It's all about Camp Nooteeming and the improvements the committee plans to build for our children. 

Our 2005 Pinewood Derby was terrific. 

Calendar of events for 2004/2005

June – Pack Campout

10                               Ice Cream Social at Netherwood - Need volunteers for booth

13                               Headcount and money due for campout

17 - 19                        Pack Spring Campout - Camp Nooteeming: JLT Field
                                   (Class A uniforms at Pack Meeting Saturday Night)

24 - 25                        Nooteeming Parent/Son (A+B)

July – Play Ball!

4th          8:45am         Independence Parade (A)

17 -22                         Resident Summer Camp  

22 - 23                        Nooteeming Parent/Son (A+B)

August - Campfire Tales and Traditions

TBA                             Pack Field Trip (B)

Clinton Rec. Park Clean-up ------------------------------------------------------ TBD
The Clinton Rec Park Clean-up:
It is important that we have a large turn out for the Clean-up,
the more hands the quicker and easier the job.  We move the picnic tables out of storage, clean off the pavilion,  check for garbage on the grounds and uncover the grills.

Monthly Pack meetings will be the third Friday of the month unless otherwise noted.

Den Meetings to be determined by the den leaders for time and place.

(Top of page)

We need you!

Please consider filling one of the positions still open.  It's not difficult and there are a lot of  resources available to help you get the job done.  We just need you to make sure the events run smoothly!  Please follow the link to NEWS->LEADERS for a descriptions of the positions.  You can also volunteer to help with any of the events at anytime.  

Comments, Corrections or Additions contact Webmaster.

This page was last updated on 06/08/05.