One of the most important things you can do for your kids is not smoke. When you smoke, your kids smoke too, except that the smoke that they inhale is not filtered like yours is. It's called second hand smoke. Smoking causes cancer, lung diseases, trouble breathing, yellow teeth, increased number of viruses, increased chance of asthma, chronic mucousy coughing, heart disease, and on and on. And when your kids see you smoke, they will probably smoke when they get older also. Kids tend to repeat behaviors they grow up with. If you currently smoke, there is nothing that impresses kids more than to see how strong mommy or daddy is to quit smoking. This will tremendously improve your self-esteem and also your childs opinion of you! Kids know it's bad to smoke, and if they see a parent do it, they lose a lot of respect for that parent.

The easiest way
to stop smoking is to do it "cold turkey";  Simply don't buy any more cigarettes. Think of how much money you will save? Literally figure out how much you would save. This is a great incentive to stop. The other thing is that if you want people to like you, you must stop smoking. Most people do not smoke and they can't stand people who do. As someone important in my life said to me a while back, "It makes your breath and clothes stink's a disgusting habit."

One of the most important reasons to stop is because your children want you around for a long, long time. They do not want smoking to cut your life short.