You may have come to this site for multiple reasons.  You may want to know more about autocockers or tips how to play.  You may have never played before and are just looking up information.  Well I am here to help.  This is for the players who need information on how to get started.  First of all, WHAT IS PAINTBALL???  Basically paintball is where you run around on two teams shooting at each other with little bath beads that are filled with paint.  You are usually playing to get a flag and bring it back to a flagstation.  Paintball can be played in many different types of forms.  Speedball where you are in fast paced action very close to your opposition.  You can see everyone on the field while playing speedball.  Woods games were the first types of games played.  You can go in variety of different terrains with hills, thick brush, no brush, etc.  The fields can be as big as they need to be.  In woods games you usually have to have some type of plan or everyone will end up shooting there own team.  The next type is scenario games.  Anything that has to do with role playing such as World War Two, aliens, wild west, space travel, etc.  These can be very fun if you have players who are willing to listen.  Ok so you are interested now, how do you get started?  Look in the Action Pursuit Games field directory that can be found here.  Find a field near you.  Call them up and see if they rent out equipment. If they do, good.  The picture you see above is me and my friends on our second outing.  As you can see we are all wearing camo clothing and/or old cloths.  That is the first step.  Don't wear something of value because it will get ruined by mud, paint, etc.  Also, wear some type of running shoes so you can move around easier.  Most fields will let your rent guns for play.  You will be given everything you need.  Your mask being the most important.  Never take off your mask unless a ref tells you otherwise.  You can go blind if you take a direct hit.  Do not be afraid though, paintball is statisticly safer than fishing.  The gun is the next.  The gun can vary from type to type, but it is usually some type of Tippmann.  This is a very high quality gun.  The owners should tell you how to shoot your gun so don't worry about it.  So you are ready to go on the field.  The biggest thing you are wondering is if a paintball hurts.  I admit it does hurt, but why would so many people be playing?  When you get hit, it feels like someone pinching you hard.  It hurts for 3 seconds and you will forget about it soon after.  Ok, what not to do while playing.  Don't shoot the refs.  They are usually wearing bright clothing and aren't carrying guns.  Don't shoot people who are walking with there guns up.  They were shot out.  Always have your barrel plug in when you are not playing.  Ok, you should be set to play.  I hope you learned something.  If you have any questions about playing, e-mail me.  Have fun.
From left to right:  Me, some guy, Vic, Matt, Brent, and Brett.  This photo was taken 3 years ago.  We were all newbies then.