Various Paintball links in no kind of order
PBnation                Very, very nice forum.  I used to be one of the cocker forum mods.

Worr Games
          The makers of the autococker.

Hanta Force
           My friend Jake's team.  Very cool site.

BBT Paintball
         One of the best paintball stores on the net. 

PK Selective
          They do great anodizing. 

               Excellent team site.  They have videos and all sorts of other paintball info.

                  A massive site filled with paintball info from tournaments to talons.

G3 Paintball
           Massive selections for all different types of paintball products.

Pevs Paintball
       This is the field that I ref at, if you are in the VA area, you should go.

Race Guns
             Maker of a very cool electro frame for the cocker.  Check it out.