Week 42................................11-10-2002

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The Electronic Blue Beret.....2002

. Give the POM a Job Email me Here .

Jesus loves you...but everyone else thinks you are an asshole.

Those with a Medical Chit

Sick or not,Those who would like to hear from Fellow ADGies.
Alan Atherton...........02-66875920
Paul Tuck....................02-49911964
Mick Brodie................ 02-99404340
Paul Pannowitz...........02-49500306
Bushy Bill Trevethan..02-68290177
Trevor Nye...................07 41256279


A Warm Welcome to Peter Wattie

Name: Peter Wattie
Subject: Notification of Email Details

I attended the official opening of the Headquarters of the Airfield Defence Squadron by CAS at RAAF Pearce on Friday 11OCT02, which was frequented by past and serving GDEFOS'and the ADG personnel. In addition, I was very impressed with weaponry and equipment that the Airfield Defence personnel have at their disposal these days. Furthermore, it was most pleasing to see some of the older gents, who have not fell off the perch yet. However, discussions revealed that a few guys I served with were having health concerns, may I take this opportunity to wish them the best for the future. In conclusion, Debbie and I recently connected to the internet, hence this email to advise the association and others of our address.



. Peter Wattie .....debpet@westnet.net.au .

Happening,s in the West

On Friday 11 October I had the pleasure of attending RAAF Base Pearce for the official opening of No 3 Rifle Flight Headquarters by Air Marshal A.G. Houston,AM AFC Chief of Air Force at RAAF Base Pearce.
The whole occasion was very impressive and very professional.
The Parade format was:
Falling-In of the Guard
Arrival of CAF (Guard General Salute)
CAF inspection of the Guard
CAF addressed the gathering and officially opened No 3 Rifle Flight Headquarters
CAF inspected the facilities and the dedication of the Gordon Bennett, MC Conference Room.
Members of 1AFDS presented a unit display (equipment and facilities)
Barbecue Lunch was served

The whole ceremony was indeed very professional and one could only walk away being impressed with not only the occasion itself, but the array of weapons, equipment, vehicles and facilities used by the modern day ADG,s.
The only pieces of kit that I recognized was the old Browning 9mm and a Silva compass.
Peope were not only talking about all this impressive equipment but also that ration packs now come with a packet of M&Ms.
Later in the day I was admiring a rather fancy looking digital camera that was being used by the units Flight Sergeant. I said that camera must have cost a packet and he replied saying he did not know as it belonged to the flight and was part of their kit.
He said this is what we use nowadays instead of doing panorama field sketching like what you taught us years ago in a paddock out the back of Amberley. Wow how things have changed!
There was a very good turn out of members from the old guard that live in the west to witness the official opening. Listed below were some of the old faces that I spotted in the crowd.

Rolly Brazier
Rob Lyon
Rod McKinnon (Blue)
Hank Hurkins
Peter Bartholomew
Squzzie Taylor
Wayne Bird (bird Dog)
Peter Wattie
Ray Finn
Glen Ratchford
Alan Giltrap
Mick Mcphail
Dutchy Vanheek
Nobby Nobrega
Stan Hull
Barry Wanstall
Don Smithers
Father Thomas
Alan Lamb
Richards (wingnut)

I have attached a couple of pics from this rememberable occasion
Mick Bergin
Well fellas this is the kind of story or report that I,m only to happy to post on site many thanks to Mick Bergin for this one and the photo's are great and the list of older faces in attendance is fantastic, Mick would you have gotten a picture of these old faces that would have really capped my day.
Again thanks Mick
The POM.

Sluggo comits Harri Karri ?

On the 10th of September forgot all that a perfectly normal ADGie should know and leap from a perfectly good aircraft, From 12,000 ft above Caloundra QLD Sluggo was kinda hoping this was,nt to be his last leap of faith "Hallalujah and pass more ammo ".

Shit that was a bloody big step.

Great place to beat Retreat.

How's the fork in ya nighty now Sluggo?

Close but quite not there.

All over bar the shouting Here Peter Brierly Sluggo and Trish celebrate Sluggo's safe return.

A Magpie for Australia

Click below to visit the Temora Aviation Museum and the "Canberra".

At long last Australia will have a 2 Sqn lookalike to grace our sky's.
David Lowey has imported English Electric Canberra G-BURM which will be painted to represent a Magpie from 2 Sqn during its Vietnam service, so keep an eye open for this Magpie on the Australian Airshow circuit.


Joint Media Release
The Hon Danna Vale MP Senator Eric Abetz
Minister for Veterans' Affairs Special Minister of State
Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence Senator for Tasmania
Federal Member for Hughes

Monday 7 October 2002
Veterans join the internet age

Tasmanian veterans will be the first in Australia to be able to lodge
Department of Veterans' Affairs forms online with the launch of a trial
program in Tasmania today.

Special Minister of State, Senator Eric Abetz, will represent the Minister
for Veterans' Affairs, Danna Vale at the launch of the secure online

"The Federal Government, through the Department of Veterans' Affairs, is
committed to providing a high level of service. This ground-breaking trial
will provide an additional way for the veteran community to communicate with
the department - over the internet," Minister Vale said.

Once registered, veterans will be able to fill in forms and send them
electronically, saving precious time in processing their claims for

"Recent Veterans' Satisfaction Surveys have found that more and more
veterans and their representatives are using the internet so it is
appropriate to make important government services for veterans available
online," the Minister said.

Senator Abetz said funding for the trial had been provided by the Trial of
Innovative Government Electronic Services (TIGERS) project, administered by
the National Office for the Information Economy.

"This trial will give the more than 20,000 Tasmanian members of the veteran
community access to these innovative services.

"They will also have the opportunity to provide feedback and input into the
final product before it is released nationally," Senator Abetz said.

In order to participate in the trial and submit claim forms online,
Tasmanian veterans can register at DVA offices, selected Service Tasmania
shop fronts and participating ex-service organisations.

For more details about being part of the trial, veterans can contact DVA on
133 254. Online lodgement of DVA forms is expected to become available to
veterans nationally in 2003.

"The trial of online DVA forms lodgement is another example of the Federal
Government's commitment to caring for Australia's veteran community,"
Minister Vale said.

Note: The launch of DVA's online forms lodgement facilities will take place
at Service Tasmania, Shop 3, 5 Fitzroy St, Sorell, at 2pm, Monday 7 October

Media contact: Jane Seaborn 02 6277 7820 or 0417 265 289