V70 Window Switches

Subject:             Window Switches.
    Date:             Wed, 14 Aug 2002 09:42:45 +0100
   From:            Chris McBrien
       To:            OzBrick

        I lost use of all windows, both wing mirrors and most important I could not open the fuel
filler cover to put petrol into the tank.  The problem was the drivers window switch cluster. A
small piece of orange plastic had broken but as usual you have to spend £70 on a whole new
switch.  By looking at the wiring diagram in the Haynes Manual I was able to use a metal
paperclip and provide power to the passengers window and then the drivers window to get them
to close.  The fuel filler cap could not be hot wired to open it. This meant that with 10 miles of
petrol left I had to fit the new switch before being able to put fuel in the car. Not a good design
I'd say.

The attached photos show the two plugs on the switch cluster with the pin numbers

Regards Chris.

Thanks for the info Chris!

Also see the OzBrickies' small note on 850 centre console window switches... winding down but not up?


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