1999 - 2000 Volvo Service Light Reset Procedures

Here's a great bit of info, which Chris alerted us to;

( source: http://www.easesim.com/accessories/data/light_reset_volvo.htm  )

1999 - 2000 Volvo Service Light Reset Procedures

                                                     S / V / C70 Models
                                         Press and hold odometer reset button.
                                         Turn ignition switch to "run" position.
                                         After SRL flashes, release odometer reset button.
                                         Turn ignition off, then back on to confirm reset

                                                        S80 Models
                                         Turn ignition switch to position 1.
                                         Press and hold "day counter reset button".
                                         Turn ignition switch to position 2.
                                         Continue holding day counter for approx. 10 seconds
                                         After SRL flashes, release day counter button.
                                         Should hear "beep-beep" to confirm command


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