The following are tributes written to Owen after his death..
By Vince McMahon  By Jeff Jarrett  By Edge  By Bret Hart   By Triple H  By Test  

You feel the burn when you cry
It starts to come when someone dies.
The pain you feel as your eyes swell and
the tears will up in the wells The burn starts
to choke you up the words
come out slow and shaken
You close your eyes and wonder why
There is a burn when you cry
When Owen left it felt like hands around my
throatI couldn't talk I couldn't see
The Burn over whelmed me
My heart is heavy this is why
You get the burn when you cry
It digs down deep you can not sleep
You toss and turn in your sheets
Awaken with sobs and wet pillow cases
You wander aimlessly looking to the sky
You feel the burn when you cry

by Mark Henry..

Written the Mornning after Owens death by Vince McMahon

Last night a tragic accident took the life of Owen Hart, he was 34 There are no words that can express the profound sorrow felt today by so many of us who knew and loved this very special human being.

Fans throughtout the world shared a small portion of Owen's life through his various ring personas. But to know Owen Hart the human being was pure joy. Owen loved this business and lived to entertain both in, and out of the ring. He was a consummate performer and a legendary prankster. In the extended family of professional wrestlers respect does not come easily and is not taken lightly. Owen Hart had that respect. he was more than just one of the boys.. he was a friend and a brother to all. Our locker room and our lives will never be the same.
A loving son, brother, uncle, husband and father, Owen is survived by his wife Martha , his son Oje and his daughter Athena. Our prayers go out to them and the entire Hart family. With heavy harts and the deepest of sympathies for the family we say good-bye. If the legacy of a man's life is measured by the lives he touched and how much he is loved.. then a big piece of Owen Hart will live on - in all of us.

By Vince McMahon...


Tribute by Jeff Jarrett as said on Raw is War 24/5/99

In this business, I guess you got a lot of acquaintances but very few friends. And Owen, he was one of those friends. He did a lot of funny stories, his personality, the things he used to do....and I told my wife a bunch of times about the last couple months I've been with Owen on the road....I see Owen more than I see her and my little girl. And he said the same thing. And now that he's not here, it' look at it almost selfishly. Owen, my buddy, my friend, not with me anymore. I know Owen's in a better place, life isn't cutting up. But when you really think about Owen's life, I think about integrity. Because in this's cold, it's callous, it's selfish, it's self-serving, it's unrealistic, it's a fantasy world. But Owen was real. He was a man's man. His wife and kids.....are 3 of the luckiest people in the world, because he loved them more than anything in the world. And that's why he did what he did -- to provide for them. And he did it with integrity, and integrity in this business is few and far between. That's not a good thing to know, but it's the truth. And outside all of the laughs....because on the road, without the laughs, you know.....the fans get to see Owen 10-15 minutes a week, but when you see him 24 hours a day for 10 or 12 days at a time, he's one of the guys that made it fun. Made coming to work entertaining off the camera, and that's just as important as on the camera. Owen........I'll make the promise to you. 'Cause you've got 2 little kids and I've got a little one of my own, as they grow older, the only thing that they might have to find out what their dad was like is wrestling films. But I'll make the promise to the years go by, I'll do my best to let Oje and Athena really know what a great man you were.

By Jeff Jarrett..


Tribute by Edge as said on Raw is War 24/5/99

"Owen Hart....where do I start? Owen was the leader of a little merry band of Canadians we call "The Canadian Mafia." To me.... Owen was a type of guru to me. He helped me on the road -- hunting, travelling, or a match -- but the thing I'll remember most about Owen Hart is his ability to make me and anyone else laugh. And when I think of Owen, I smile. Today it's a little big tough, but I think of some of the things that Owen did, and I had the pleasure to wrestle Owen in his last match, in Chicago. I went with Christian against him and Jeff Jarrett, and I knew Owen was in a good mood that night because he came out with his blue-and-white boots and his black-and-silver-and-red outfit; his hair was all messed up; he had a goofy look on his face, and he was wearing his "Time for a change" t-shirt. He got in the corner and started doing poses and flexing. We got into the match, and I had him in an armbar. He kicked up and he wound up and gave me a big judo chop with a "Hiyaaa!" and chopped me down. We had a good time that night. And that was Owen's last match. It's nice to be able to, you know, look back on things like that. You know...he made us all laugh and he's gonna be sorely missed. I grew up watching Owen and I got the opportunity to wrestle him on pay-per-views, on TV, and all across the world. You name it. I travelled with Owen. And to his family....Godspeed. I'm gonna miss you."

by Edge..


Tribute by Triple H as said on Raw is War 24/5/99

(Also had trouble holding back the tears) "In a business often see the worst of see the worst of everybody's personalities....we're like a family. We're around everybody at their best; we're around each other at their worst. Owen was always one who was at his best. He was always up. He was never a piece of trash. And he was always there for everybody to make you laugh, or make you mad. We'd be in the ring and...he'd make you so mad you wanted to choke him. He's the only guy that had the balls enough ever to, on a live pay-per-view at the Royal Rumble, to "schoolboy" me and backslide me and not let me out. We laughed, he made me laugh....more than anybody or any other. He loved his family, talked about them all the time. He's one of the guys that you really felt was true about that. He lived for his kids and his wife.'ll always have a place here (pointing to his heart) for me, with me, because you're my friend. I love you. I'll never forget you."

by Triple H..


Tribute by Test as said on Raw is War 24/5/99

If I had to share a moment with Owen, I offer this story. It happened just a few months ago. We all came in to Chicago....coming in to do a "double-shot," which is 2 shows in one day. We landed in Chicago and it was really bad weather. A lot of we cancelled the first show and the office told us to sit tight and relax and find out if we were gonna be doing a show later on that night. So as I was sitting in my hotel room, the phone rang and I picked it up. The guy on the other end said he was the headman running the stadium where we were supposed to do the show that night, and he was told that I was the man to talk to whether we were going to go ahead with the show. I kept professing to this Man that I'm not the guy to talk to...."You're talking to the wrong guy. You need to talk to the office." He said that various guys were cancelling and said that I was the last guy to talk to....what'd I think? After telling him a few times I didn't think too much of it, I told him again that I wasn't the man to talk to....He said - the last words he said was, "Well, I'll tell them Test said to cancel the show." And I said, "Hey, buddy, don't bring my name into this," and he hung up the phone. Well, not 'til this morning I found out it was Owen. It's pretty funny but it's kind of a hard way to find that out. All of my memories of Owen were very good and I'll never forget him. Thanks for all the memories, Owen, and God bless you. Thanks."

By Test..


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