Mr.Breed's Science Class

The Teacher's Corner
The Teacher's Corner

Losers quit when they're tired, Winners quit when they've won.


   This page has been developed as a resource for my students and their parents.  I intend to keep it current as often as I can and it is my hope that this site will become a useful tool for many of my students as they work on their weekly assignments and lab reports.  I will also try to make it a resource for those students preparing for the Regents Examinations in June.

                                                                                                                    Mr. Breed

Click on the links below to view the following:
Mr. Breed's 200 Ways to Pass the Chemistry - Physical Setting Regents Examination

 Regents Earth Science Class Notes

Chemistry -The Physical Setting Notes

moon phases

Kids Directory, Information, Links and more.

Here are some links to science-related websites you may be able to use:

Visitors to this site since May 25, 2000: 

If you have any questions for me, feel free to contact me at my e-mail at school:
Mr. Breed's e-mail

Organism of the Year - The Bald Eagle

Copyright 2000 - Mr. Breed Productions