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~*Well I'm sure you have all noticed the picture here and have had your laughs and giggles...But seriously, Is this 'doctored' picture not a friggen, awesome piece of art?  Ugh, the pride I feel just knowing that me and my brother could create such a masterpiece is unbelievable. *LOL*  I love it.  Anyways, so yes not only have you admired the above picture for it's beauty, I'm also very positive that you have noticed that we have reason to believe someone in the Big Brother house has been turning a little more "evil" lately...and others, well their starting to look a whole lot more good in comparision.  Okay so let's sit back and analyze this situation a little more closely so you can all understand where this girl is coming from...Lately it seems that "Mr. Look at me" Hardy Hill is turning to the dark side...His looks and personality that the majority of us, including me, respected at the begining of Big Brother 2 have changed, only to lead the viewing public to believe that Hardy's true colors are begining to show themselves.  In recent weeks this guy has successfully schemed, lied, and betrayed people left and right with his accomplice Nicole!  Not only has Hardy's actions depicted him as evil, but so has his brand new appearance...Let's see...dying his hair black, turning to alcohol and cigarettes and some major under eye luggage has definitaly contributed to seeing him as nothing more than just plain mean.  However, while Hardy is looking more to Satan's side of things, it seems as though Will is leaning more towards Bunky's plans.  Spending more time with Bunky seems to have made Will a more tolerant and compassionate person inside the house.  I mean I'm not saying that Will is a saint, by all means no...But he has seemed to change.  Of course he is still the same old halarious, evil doctor,  "lying snake in the grass" that we all know and love but in many situations he has encountered lately have shown that there is more to Will than "circuitry and metal" like he has, on so many occasions claimed...and that's nice to know.  In addition to our own assumptions Will's brother was on the show a few weeks back and had confirmed all of our beiliefs by making a statement that Will is in fact the most loving, appriciative, compasionate, wonderful guy in the world...*~