September 9, 2001
Appearance of the surface of tongue: bumps, cuts, and many of these cuts cross each other. Color is starting to look its normal color, but again, the appearance is a far cry from how my tongue used to look before this; smooth surface and reasonably red.

September 10, 2001
Now, color of the tongue is half as red as yesterday.

September 10, 2001 to September 11, 2001
BMS dropped 80-90% of the original

September 12, 2001
BMS came back, staying at 50% of the original

September 24, 2001
For the past several days, BMS was starting to get much worse, as if I've never even taken the medication. This happens especially few hours before taking clonazepam in the night. While eating, the BMS goes away. Also, when I'm sleeping, there is no BMS but as soon as I wake up to brush my teeth, and drink water, it starts to come back. The BMS fluctuates from 100% one minute to 40% the next, and then back up to 100%. Before, my eyesight was 20% blurry but now, it's 5% blurry. Before, I wasn't able to read the small print on T.V., even if I squinted, but now if I squint, I can read the print. Also, the small black stuff that would appear at the right corner of my right eye has reduced overall.
No tiredness or any other side-effect that I'm aware of is present.
The recurrence of BMS has caused so much agony that now, I've been told to take the clonazepam 0.5mg twice a day.

Overall: October 2, 2001
BMS is AT MOST, 50% less (not overall 50% less like before), but the side-effects are becoming unbearable. Eyesight is 30% blurry. I didn't mention that even before BMS, I was taking Melatonin 1 mg for insomnia before sleep, but as soon as I started to take the clonazepam before sleep, I stopped the Melatonin (to avoid any interactions). Tiredness, etc wasn't an issue then because he was sleeping at that time (after taking the medication).  Now, since I have also been taking clonazepam late in the morning, an hour later I get a feeling of grogginess, light-headedness, as if I'm drunk. I feel as if I just want to drop, and perhaps take a nap for a few hours. I even started to take coffee (which is loaded with caffine, not a good thing) to cut down the grogginess. Sometimes, I even take a nap for an hour and then I feel refreshed. The grogginess only comes after taking the first clonazepam; before that, in the morning, I feel fine.
For some reason, on one day, my tongue appears to be getting back to its normal color and the next day, it's white. There is an inconsistency in tongue color from day to day. Also when I take my tongue out, it feels as if it's been exposed to something, it gets a shock
Since I've had this problem from the beginning, I've been much more suspectible to getting colds. Still taking Synthyroid 0.1 mg (for a separate unrelated problem of thyroid) and Nexium 40 mg with
supplements I’ve always been taking. 

However, I have had dental problems which I didn't mention before since they seemed unrelated to BMS, but now I'm thinking perhaps there may be corelation to taking the clonazepam. Just to avoid any confusion with current BMS progress, the timeline of events are
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Medical history of patient with Burning Mouth Syndrome