Online Currency Converter

Free Online Free Cuurency Converter at Currency converter for 164 currency pairs and Curency. Convert any amount from one currency to another. A free currency converter from Online Convert currency using real time exchange rates. US Dollar to Foreign Currensy and Foreign Currency to U.S. Dollars and other currencies. Try our online currency converter and find out how much you can buy in today's prices.

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To Create :

1. Click in the text box below the flash Currency Converter you want to display on your web page, and press CTRL-A to select the entire text, then CTRL-C to copy the text to the clipboard.

2. In an HTML editor, open the page on which you want to display the Currency Converter, and paste the code at the location you would like it to display. You can put the code in a table cell, or change the alignment to position it the way you want.

3. That's it! When your page displays in the browser, Currency Converter will be automatically loaded from our website.
You can easily display Currency Converter on your web site, courtesy of Currency Converter automatically update Fore Rates every Hour. provides More than 60 Currencies in this tool. If you are interested in More Currencies then contact us. All we ask is that you don't modify the Code/Script in any way.
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Online Currency Converter
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