The Gift  ...


A page inspired by the most remarkable person I know.


I have learnt alot of things in my short life of 26 years however,

I have grown a great deal mentally and spiritually , as well as come to

understand and appreciate myself , with the teachings and guidance of this

amazing being - someone I can honestly call my best friend .

You have done countless, selfless deeds for others to show them that you care ,

and I want you to know that you are appreciated  by all those

lives that you have touched...This is my gift to you Gerry .


In my friend I find compassion

so warm I melt inside

I find understanding ,

which allows me to speak my mind

without worrying what might be thought

In my friend I find humor

the kind that cheers me up

and always brings a smile

I find honesty , trust , and love

all of which reassure me

I have not been played a fool

In my friend I find security

protecting me from this cruel world

in which we live

In my friend I find a second self -

that friend is you .



I thank god for your friendship

it has been and always will be

a priceless treasure