
What's New?

Athletic Anarchy in Anchorage, Alaska? Added January 15, 2002. Is this the last frontier's version of backyard boxing box-offs?

A Day at the Beach. Added October 21, 2001. Is beach boxing the latest trend sweeping California beaches? Probably not.

The Suburban Boxing Experience, Added October 20, 2001. My personal experience is not in "traditional" urban boxing gym but rather various suburban venues that we use for recreational boxing.

A Place to Call Home Added October 14, 2001. I have a new place to work out, the essential garage boxing gym. Everything we need and nothing we don't in the space it takes to park two cars. For now, I will call it Randy's Place, which will be the subject of a couple of upcoming essays.

Gone With the Wind, the Importance of Conditioning Added October 8, 2001.

This site was created in October 1999. I authored the pages listed in this directory for this site. Like any creative endeavor, from time to time one has to step take a break to recharge the batteries. The last update to this site was in June 2001. Since then I have received a number of emails asking to update this site. To all of you that offered words of encouragement, thank you. Several new pages are in-process and will soon be added to the site. I promise, you will not be disappointed.

Now, for a few administrative notes. Thank you all for the emails that you have sent me for more than a year. I like to hear from others and try to correspond to emails in a timely manner.

When asked, I will give my opinion of products that I or my friends have used. I do not link to commercial boxing supply websites for a simple reason, when I asked for permission from Ringside, Title, and others to use their graphics in product reviews, I was met with dead, stone cold silence. Even if the they were to say "no" an acknowledgement of my request would have been nice.

I do not link many other personal boxing websites for several reasons. First, there are several excellent directories which do that. Second, I promised to keep this site family friendly and kid-safe. Quite frankly, most sites that purport to be recreational boxing oriented, quite simply, are little more than thinly veiled portals for those who would prey on the innocent unsuspecting youth. Rather than evaluate sites and where they link to in three or four jumps, I chose not to offer the opportunity to visitors to my link to other websites. Yes, there are some great sites out there. I think you know where to find them.

Recreational Boxing
What is recreational boxing?
Recreational boxing and society.
Recreational Boxing and art.
Why Box? A response to a Message Board Question
When Can I Start Boxing?
Legacy of Fight Night
Final Exam--Boxing in College
Nothing to Fear
Amateur Boxing
Links to Other's Sites and Stories
Boxing at Summer Camp
Learn to Box, Learn to Fight, Blessed are the Peacemakers
A Day at the Beach

The Matches
Sparring Exhibition--Downtown Boxing Club
Flying and Fighting--Boxing and the Band of Brothers
John's Bout--Three Part Fiction
Justin's Bout
Jason's Bout
Carl and Lee
Carl and Lee Again
John and Rick
Prelude to Waiting Time

The Personalities
Boxers and Trainers
Job Description for a Coach
Women in Boxing
Boxing Coach as Social Worker

The Places
State Street Boxing Club--Santa Barbara, California
Training for Fight Night at State Street Boxing Club
Downtown Boxing Club--Washington D.C.
A Place to Call "Home"
Suburban Boxing: People, Places, and Things
Athletic Anarchy in Anchorage, Alaska?

The Essays
Reading and Writing About Amateur Boxing
Education of a Yondering Man
Learning About Life Through Literature and Images
So Long and Thanks for All the Fist
Thanks to Veterans

Gone with the Wind? The Importance of Conditioning
The Heavy Bag
Are You Ready to Box? A Self Assessment