Our friends at the R.S.P.C.A.,
Have just put out a call;
They've just received a stack of pups,
And want to place them all.

A breeder of Chihuahuas,
Those doggies so minute,
Took all his puppies in to them,
And dumped them, ain't that cute?

Although they are so tiny,
It gave them quite a fright;
One hundred and eighty-five there were,
A pretty daunting sight.

The breeder came from way out west,
A place with room to spare;
He was overcome by illness,
And couldn't give them care.

So where else could he leave them,
To ensure the very best way,
To have them well looked after,
But at the R.S.P.C.A.?

So if your house seems empty,
And at times you'd like a pup;
Just grab your phone book now,
And look their number up.

They charge a hundred bucks,
For each puppy they spread round;
And I think that makes Chihuahuas,
Most expensive, pound for pound!


Copyright © 1999, 2000 Old-N-Bold.  All rights reserved.
Background, layout, header and graphics by Ladyoz..