I’m Back on Line

I’m back on line, I am,
I really, truly am;
And everything’s just fine again,
Except for all the spam,

 My system simply crashed you see,
It just died in the bum;
So I thought it best, between you and me
To warn you that . . . Here I come.

I was just off line for only 4 days,
But on my return again,
One hundred and eighty five emails, 
Were waiting, What a pain!

 But four of them were quite OK,
The rest were simply spam;
And do you think I’m angry,
You can bet your sox I am.

This unsolicited junk I get, 
It really is a pain;
And far too many messages,
Repeat again and again.

For most of these useless ‘so & sos’,
And this really gets on my goat, 
Make it so very hard for us
To send them an angry note.

So, every day when I log on,
I sit here on my bum, 
Sorting through all this useless crap,
All sent by this useless scum.

I certainly don’t need all these hassles,
I just want to sit here with the wife,
In our lovely retirement village, 
And enjoy the rest of my life.

 © oldnbold 2003


Copyright © 2003 Old-N-Bold.  All rights reserved.
Background, layout, header and graphics by Ladyoz.