Of Claws and Fangs
Episode 44

Reiketsu glared after the dog, he would swear that the animal was out for his blood. "That animal should be destroyed. He is uncontrollable, dangerous and vicious." He fumed. Noticing that a tear on one sleeve of his kimono he realized he had just missed being bitten. Holding the sleeve out he continued, "You see this."

Inu Yasha followed Mika and Shiro out the now destroyed door. Chuckling at the Northern Lords complaints. Shiro followed the little one, now that he had the approval of the alpha.

He looked calmly at the torn garment. "I will have one of my servants repair it, or I shall pay for a new one if you wish. Do you think that I would trust my daughter with a dangerous animal?" Before the lord could answer, he realized where they were. "What are you doing here?"

When they were far enough away from Reiketsu and the others, Mika turned to the dog, taking his head in her hands, she looked him in the eye. "Niisan? Come back to us."

Shiro didn't understand why the little one was upset. His tail wagged, knocking over a few of the potted plants in it's wake. Woofing softly he invited her to play.

Inu Yasha stepped up to Mika, "Mika did he have his sword with him, the last time you saw him?"

"I was walking as I do every night before retiring." he lied. "You witnessed the dogs attack Inari-sama. Do you not agree the animal should be destroyed?" He had to get the conversation off his being in this section of the house.

Akisame had slowly made her way through the house. Finally reaching the group of men standing near the destroyed door. "What happened?" she asked. Holding the wall with one hand her back with the other.

Mika thought hard, as she picked up a stick and threw it for her brother. "I don't think so Uncle. Should I go check his room?"

Inari turned to see the Western Lady, looking unwell. He smiled gently at her. "Apparently Reiketsu-sama stumbled across your daughter's pet Shiro. The animal did not take kindly to his presence. As to your question Reiketsu-sama, I saw an animal defending its home from what it thought was an intruder."

Sesshomaru moved to his mate's side, offering his support and letting her see what had just happened.

Akisame's eyes widened. "Shiro? Is he... Where is he?' her own pain forgotten in concern for her son.

Inu Yasha patted her head, "No Mika, I think you should go get Shakaku. If anyone can bring him back it will be her. Hurry, I'll keep Shiro entertained."

Shiro turned and picked up the stick the little one had thrown. The one with her said something, he cocked his head at it.

Inu Yasha saw the movement, nodding he walked towards his nephew. "What happened, Ke... Shiro? Hmmm.." He reached up and scratched the boys chin. "Shakaku?" He tried. Surprised when the dog lay down with a hmph at the tora's name. "So this has something to do with her."

"Hai uncle." With that Mika ran back into the castle. She knocked on the door furiously until the tora opened the door again. "Joudama, Keikan needs you, NOW."

Shakaku looked down at the girl. Her tone left no room for argument. She slowly nodded her head and followed Mika outside. There she saw Inu Yasha looking down at the dog she had first seen at her lake. She gave both a quizzical look. "What is wrong?"

Sesshomaru patted her arm. "Mika and Inu Yasha are calming him down. Now Reiketsu-sama, how would you like me to compensate you for your ruined clothing?"

Shiro caught scent of the one he searched for. With a happy bark he rushed to her and bumped her with his muzzle.

Inu Yasha watched the exchange for a moment, then explained. "He is lost to his youki. I'm hoping you will be able to pull him back. Do you know if he had his sword the last time you saw him?"

Reiketsu snarled at his host, "That animals head will be enough compensation."

Akisame's fury rose, but remembering her promise she held back the urge to give Reiketsu Rin's childhood memories. "That animal," she managed "has never attacked anyone without reason. He is very perceptive of the intentions of others. What have you done that could have provoked him?" 'Order the murder of his sister, tear Shakaku away from him, and insult him personally.' She answered silently, sending her thoughts to her mate.

Sesshomaru resisted the urge to growl his assent. "Yes Reiketsu-sama, what could you have done to anger our sweet little Shiro?"

"I...I don't know." Shakaku looked down at the dog that was Keikan. He seemed happy to see her now. She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her tears soak into his fur. "Oh Keikan," she whispered, "My father was lying...please don't hate me, please come back to me."

Shiro smelled the tears and felt them through his fur. He didn't understand what the female was saying but she was upset. With a soft woof he pulled back and licked her tears.

Inu Yasha watched the exchange. 'No' he thought 'Keikan hasn't transformed as Keishou or I would have. His is more a retreat from a hurt.' Kneeling beside Shakaku he spoke softly to her. "I misspoke, Keikan is not lost to his youki, he's hiding behind his youki. What happened after you left the audience chamber."

Reiketsu frowned this was not going the way he planned. Why wasn't Inari siding with him? "I have done nothing."

Akisame sent one thought to her mate. 'Oh please, please can I do to him what I did to Kouga?'

Again Sesshomaru had to suppress his emotion, but this time instead of anger it was mirth. Inari walked up to Reiketsu, "Seeing as how real hurt has not been done and this is an apparently novel incident, can it not be forgiven and forgotten?"

Shakaku smiled at the gesture and smoothed the fur between Keikan's ears. "Father took me from the chamber and when we were in the hall he asked what I had found out. He knew Keikan was listening. I hit him...he hit me," she said, touching her cheek, "and then when I tried to go after Keikan, he wouldn't let me. What can I do for him, Inu Yasha-sama?"

Shiro watched the female touch her cheek. Sniffing he caught the faint scent of the one that angered him. Licking the injured cheek he started towards the house again, nudging the female as he stepped forward. Pushing her towards the alpha.

Inu Yasha watched Keikan's actions. He wanted something. Inu Yasha looked at the girl and saw the bruise forming on her cheek. Now he understood, Keikan wanted Sesshomaru to see it. He stepped forward but stopped at Keikan's growl.

The other one, moved towards the female. Shiro growled a warning. No one would harm the female. When the other stopped he went back to pushing the female towards the Alpha.

"Go with him. He wants Sesshomaru to see your face." Inu Yasha called not moving.

Shakaku nodded and began walking, resting one hand on Keikan's back. When they reached the group she called softly to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru turned as he heard his name called, seeing Keikan, still in his inu form, leading Shakaku toward him. "What is it Shakaku?"

Inari answered for the girl, "Look at her face, Sesshomaru-sama," he turned to Reiketsu, eyes narrowing. "How is it that the girl spent two days in this castle without injury, yet within an hour of being returned to you she looks like that?"

Reiketsu thought quickly all his plans could be ruined by that stupid mutt and his rebellious child. "Obviously that animal injured her." He said grasping at straws. He stepped forward intending to pull Shakaku to his side.

Shiro growled at the one who had harmed the female moved towards her. Placing his body between the two he bared his fangs warning.

Inari shook his head sadly. "If the animal injured her, why is it protecting her?"

Sesshomaru was barely containing his laughter at the northern lord. Another soft voice called his name and he saw over Reiketsu shoulder one of his servants, hovering in the shadow. The mouse youkai's whiskers were twitching in agitation. "Hai, Shizuka?"

All attention turned to the petite serving girl and she squeaked in surprise. Sesshomaru smiled at the gentle youkai. "Go on, is there something you wish to say?"

Shizuka was quiet another moment, her gaze settling on the one who had bribed her before swallowing and letting her words rush forth. "That one," she said, pointing to Reiketsu, "Has been offering the other servants money in return for information against you my Lord."

Inari turned a cold gaze on Reiketsu, "Is this true Reiketsu-sama?"

Shakaku leaned against Keikan, nearly shaking with relief. Her father's plans were fast failing him.

Shiro felt the female lean against him. Turning his head he made sure she was not ill, then turned back to watch the angry one.

Reiketsu gathered his wits about him. Finally he spoke, "You would believe a servant over my word?" He questioned.

Akisame spoke, "Shizuka has been a servant in this household since before I arrived, Reiketsu-sama. Never in all that time has she lied or done anything to make us question her." Stepping up to stand directly in front of Reiketsu and smiled, "However my daughter Midori was murdered by a tora, who when captured revealed you as the one who hired him." Taking a step back she continued, "My sons have seen the advance of Northern troops into West territory. Shakaku came and warned us of an threat to our children from you. While none of this would stand a tribunal of lords it is all truth. I don't care if it is the middle of the night, I want your filth out of my home." She turned and walked to Sesshomaru's side, "Oh, if you can get Shakaku away from Shiro you are welcome to take her with you. Otherwise she stays under west protection."

Inari nodded his agreement. "Reiketsu...I strongly advise that you return to you castle, resume your duties as Northern Lord and do not pursue this petty war any further. However if you choose to attack this family again, East will join with them against you."

Shakaku felt as though a huge weight were lifting from her shoulders. She wouldn't have to leave. Now all they had to do was convince Keikan to return to normal.

Sesshomaru folded his arms, glaring at the tora. "You have called us liars twice this night. You are lucky indeed to be merely asked to leave."

Reiketsu knew he had no choice, there would be another time for his plans against West and his hanyou brats. "Come Shakaku." He said stepping forward to grab her arm. Ignoring the growling animal before him.

"Don't you fucking touch her." Keikan returned to his true form, his sword at his hip. "Next time I catch your scent tora, I will rip your heart out."

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