Of Claws And Fangs
Episode 41

Reiketsu smiled behind his tea cup. The kitsune had stepped neatly into his trap. "I only say that he is rude. But I can not but wonder why he would attack me so by kidnapping my only child. Shakaku is such an obedient and loving child."

"She is quite lovely too, if my memory serves me correctly," Inari responded. Playing along he continued, "The times are becoming too violent for us to have unrest between our houses."

He relaxed, "Hai, everything is...cool." Sesshomaru inclined his head towards the room his half brother used when present at the castle, "Hurry and change."

Inu Yasha nodded, before releasing Rin he kissed her gently on the forehead. "You and me need to talk later. Us too, Sesshomaru." Dashing into his room he quickly changed into his Kuro-monstsuki, he hated the formal black coat, but it would make a good impression. Quickly he ran a brush through his hair. Stepping back out he called, "I'm ready."

Akisame had carefully moved to join the group at the end of the hall. Seeing Inu Yasha's playful mood she smiled, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from giving into the pain.

Inu Yasha saw the move and dashed back into his room. Pulling out the medicine kit he found the aspirin. With a slight toss he grasped the bottle firmly and walked back into the hall. "Here, Kagome's mom gave me these as well as a few other medicines. This will help with the pain. It's like willow bark tea only without the nasty taste. You take two of them at a time."

Looking down at the large bottle Akisame smiled. "Arigato." Handing the bottle to Jaken "Place these in my room please." Looking at her family she began making placements. "Sesshomaru and I will walk in first, then Keikan you escort Shakaku, Keishou with Haya, Inu Yasha with Rin, Shippo with Mika and lastly Miroku and Sango."

All parties nodded, and paired up as specified. Sesshomaru squared his shoulders and offered his arm to his mate. They filed to the audience chamber and the doors were opened by the servants allowing them to enter. "Forgive my lateness, it seems to be becoming a habit with me," he said as he swept into the room with his usual grace.

Yamakaji smiled at his host, "Ah but with such wonderful news we completely understand your wish to thank the Kami. So who is the lucky concubine?"

Akisame stiffened, but said nothing only narrowed her eyes and tightened her grip on Sesshomaru's arm.

Reiketsu frowned at his daughters entrance on West heirs arm. He expected to see her in a torn rumpled kimono her hair matted from two days of deprivation. Yet there she stood finely dressed, her hair shining on the arm of that hanyou. Not even bothering to acknowledge his presence. He smiled at South's question.

Sesshomaru trained narrowed golden eyes on the Southern Lord, "There is no concubine," he replied, keeping his voice steady. How dare they think he would do such a thing.

Shakaku felt her father's gaze but pointedly ignored him. She knew he would demand her return. She shook her head slightly, no there was no way she would be leaving this castle with him.

The eastern Taiyoukai ignored the conversation about whether or not the inu had taken a concubine. His emerald gaze was on Shakaku. The girl certainly did not look as though she were being kept here against her will. Instead she walked beside the Western heir, her head held proudly as she kept her gaze from Reiketsu's. Though it intrigued him that Sesshomaru would bring his entire family to the meeting, his youngest included. One was missing though, he was quite certain that there had been twin girls and yet here he only saw one.

"Gomen nasi, Sesshomaru-sama. I merely wondered how your mate could be carrying a child at her age." Yamakaji apologized.

"Husband," Akisame said softly but loud enough to reach the ears of the other lords. "Might I sit? I am still light headed from the morning illness of my condition." She hadn't lied she contented herself. It wasn't the child growing with in her but the stone causing her weakness.

The inu Taiyoukai helped his mate to sit, then settled himself beside her while his family fanned out behind him. After seeing to Akisame's comfort he addressed the other lords. "I do not believe that you have received the notices of my daughter's death so what business is it that brings you here?"

Reiketsu broke the silence that descended on the room. "Our business sits beside your heir. My daughter, Shakaku. She disappeared two days ago from my lands. One of my best trackers caught the scent of an Inu hanyou mixed with hers. Since your family is the only one with hanyous in it. I came to retrieve my child from your villainous attack and kidnap of her."

Keikan was about to leap to his feet, when a sharp motion from his Uncle stopped him. Turning his head he watched the elder hanyous hands.

"Don't. It's what the bastard wants. Let your father handle this." Inu Yasha was never so glad for the books Kagome had left. The one on the language of the hands had been interesting. He had taught Keikan the language.

"Uncle, he accuses me of kidnapping her. Should I not defend myself."


Growling softly Keikan settled back allowing his father to handle the situation.

Okubiri's eyes had followed the two young lords since their entrance in the hall. Glad for the tea before him he took a long sip to cover his hard swallow.

Sesshomaru looked coldly at the youkai that had ordered the murder of his child. He wanted to throw the words back at him but he had no concrete evidence yet. "Your daughter came to us yesterday. I have merely offered her shelter. I am not one to attack those whom I have made alliances, Reiketsu-sama. Ask her yourself."

Observation. That was the key to discovering truth. Inari did not miss the slight movement of Keikan, though he did wonder at the strange hand signs passing between the elder and younger hanyou.

Reiketsu thought for a moment. His rebellious daughter might ruin his plans if asked to speak publicly. "There is no need for me to ask." He said beginning to weave his web of lies. "For if I do she would no doubt agree with you. Your wife's magic is well known. Her ability to read others minds and implant thoughts within them. Shakaku did the Western Lord's mate ever touch you?"

Akisame knew what he was doing but was powerless to stop it. She had read the girl, even to the point of seeing her meetings with Keikan. Reiketsu had been wise in asking only if she had touched her. Damn him.

'Damn.' Sesshomaru thought. The tora was crafty, molding his question in such a way as to sound incriminating. He wished he could give the girl a look to silence her but knew that it would be even more damning if he did. So he just sat and waited for her answer.

Okubiri watched the heirs lean fingers fly in some strange signaling motion. Such grace and power... then he moved his eye to the second born twin. Yes, the same beauty was there but where the heirs eyes held a wildness to them the second born's did not. His eyes were the calm of a meadow in springtime. The black Kuro-monstsuki molded to his chest. He looked briefly at the human girl beside the second born and saw the challenge in her eyes.

Haya had watched the young neko's eyes graze hungrily over Keishou. When they turned to her she silently challenged him. Keishou's was hers.

Shakaku gave her father a confused look, "Yes," she replied simply.

Inari shook his head. The situation did not bode well for the Western Lord. He wanted to take the pressure off the child. "What cause would Sesshomaru-sama have to take your daughter Reiketsu-sama?"

Reiketsu roared inwardly. He hadn't been sure, but knew that Sesshomaru had a habit of having his ningen wench test the sincerity of visitors. "How would I know what villainy West was plotting. I am merely a father concerned for his child. Perhaps based on the little parade we witnessed West had his mate implant a memory of caring for his heir. Making my poor Shakaku forget her betrothal to Okubiri." He lowered his head momentarily to gain control of the smirk growing on his lips. "Asking the poor child any further questions would be pointless. As we could never be sure what memories were true and which implanted."

Keikan took a firm hold on the fury threatening to overtake him. Anything Shakaku said would now be suspect. He heard Haya's snort and turned to look at her only to find her glaring daggers at South's heir. Puzzled he studied the southern heir. The neko raised his greenish-gold eyes to meet Keikan's own a slight smile curving the neko's lips. Keikan watched in horror as the southern heir winked at him and licked his lips. Dropping his own gaze to his hands, Keikan now understood Haya's snort.

Inari repressed a sigh. There was no way he could help at this time. "I will then have to ask that Shakaku be returned to her father."

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