Of Claws And Fangs
Episode 13

Makoto looked up at her. He had not meant for things to go this far. All he had wanted was his wife back. "It was the only way to save her from the demon's spell," he told her blandly, still trying hold on to his belief that all demons were evil but after hearing the sound that came from the lips of Sesshomaru he wasn't quite sure. "I tried to save you too Rin but..." He lowered his head, not wanting to see the pain in her eyes. He had failed her.

"Save me? Makoto, I never needed to be saved from Sesshomaru-sama. He has fought Naraku and his incarnations to protect me. He brought me back from the dead after I was killed by a pack of wolves. The only spell Akisame is under is her love for him." She wanted to run, but a responsibility had been given her. She would not shirk from it. "Did you realize that had Sesshomaru-sama not used Tensaiga, the sword of life, you would have killed him as well? He is my father. It is within his right to have you executed for what you did to her. Yet he has placed your fate in my hands. He is willing to abide by my decision." She did something she had practiced since she was a small child. Reaching deep, she pushed all her feelings aside and met him with the same emotionless mask Sesshomaru had once worn. "Why should I not demand the punishment your crime deserves? Do not claim our status as husband and wife."

Makoto did not look up again. The cold tone of her voice chilled him to the core. He was silent a long moment. "I deserve no mercy for what I have done to you Rin."

Akisame wrapped her arms around her mate. "There is no need for you to be sorry. My own temper caused this situation. I just can not bear to hear someone call you a liar. I am the one who ignored the danger Makoto posed."

He enjoyed her warmth and softness for a moment before replying, shaking his head slowly. "It matters not what caused it, I was unable to protect you and my own fear blinded me to the fact that I had the ability to save you even after." Tears again threatened Sesshomaru's golden eyes.

Akisame saw the unshed tears in his eyes. Then the absurdity of the situation overwhelmed her and she began to laugh. Through her laughter she answered the question in his eyes. "We are acting as if I lay on my death bed. It doesn't matter which of us was more wrong. The only thing that matters is we are here, alive and in each other's arms." Holding his face gently in her hands she leaned forward. "I will not allow Makoto or a long dead prince steal our happiness." She brushed his lips with her own.

Sesshomaru thought a moment before seeing that Akisame was right. "That is what truly matters," he said before returning her kiss.

Keishou pulled back from Haya, a little of his depression soothed away by her acceptance of him. He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face gently. "I suppose the only thing that remains is to speak to your father," he said softly, gazing into her beautiful eyes.

Haya looked into his eyes she smiled. Reaching out she traced the crescent moon on his forehead, then allowed her hand to gently trace the line of nose to his lips. "Keishou?" she whispered her voice husky, "I think you need to find my father soon."

Keishou nodded, swallowing past the lump that had suddenly arisen in his throat. Swiftly he leaned over to kiss her cheek, it was smooth as silk beneath his lips, then sprang to his feet and dashed off to find Miroku.

Haya raised a hand to her cheek, his lips had been soft and warm.

Rin looked at him through the bars. "What you have done to me? Explain."

Makoto now looked up at Rin. "I sought to take you away from this evil. I have caused you so much pain for my hatred and only now am I beginning to think that maybe I was wrong. Only now...when it is too late."

Rin looked at Makoto, the cold mask leaving her face. She knelt on the cold stone floor of the dungeon. "Why did you hate?"

Makoto shrugged, his voice resigned, as he spoke. "I never met a youkai that was kind. My mother told me her parents had been killed by demons. My father's farm was destroyed by demons. I grew up listening to stories of evil demons. I found a small one once...it was caught in a trap, I tried to help it but," he held up his hand, showing the scar he'd never told her how he got, "it bit me."

Rin smiled, "If you had found a wolf cub in a trap, would you not have expected to get bitten? The poor thing was in pain. The first time I saw Sesshomaru-sama he was injured, he growled at me, warning me to stay away. But I knew he was injured and needed my help. I approached him only while he slept, which as he healed became harder and harder to do. Just as there are evil humans; there are evil demons." She looked away from him, she knew what her decision must be. Each action had a consequence. "Makoto, I have decided your punishment. You will be released, but you must leave Japan never to return. I will stay in my father's home, our marriage is ended." Standing she walked away not looking back. Once she exited the dungeon she ran until she reached the field she had often picked wildflowers in as a child.

Miroku knelt saying his afternoon prayers. Unlike other days the prayers did not clear his mind. Too much had happened. If what Sango had told him last night was true, he expected a visit from a certain hanyou anytime.

Keishou found Miroku in his normal spot for saying his afternoon prayers. He waited respectfully until the houshi finished, then bowed low before him. "Mirkou-sama....there is something I must ask you."

Miroku looked at the boy. "I see. What must you ask me Keishou?"

Keishou was suddenly nervous under Miroku's gaze. The day had been stressful enough, with seeing his mother's attempted murder and learning that his demon blood was an ever present danger and now here he was getting ready to ask the man that had been like a second father to him for permission to make his daughter his mate. "Miroku-sama, I would like you permission to...to court Haya."

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